View Full Version : Morningstar Farm 2015

01-10-2015, 10:56 PM
Well, the drill made its annual appearance this morning...went to go out to the sugarbush and it was in my jacket sleeve...so I guess it's time to kick this off for the year...

We've put in about 1500 new taps so far. I was trying for 3000 but it looks like I will probably have to settle for getting this new bush only half in. The other bushes need too much attention...about a dozen trees down on lines that need my attention now that the swampy areas are solid.

Upgraded vacuum pumps on 2 bushes and installed my first electric releaser on the new bush. Hopefully everything works now...

Nothing really new in the sugar house for this year...I am looking...ok drooling...at a new 16x24 canner at sunnyside, but finances may not allow it..

Like everyone else, I'm scrambling to get ready to tap in a few weeks...
Wishing you all a good season...more later


01-11-2015, 08:31 AM
Kids think they are a riot...drill was in the shower this morning...they just won't believe that I'm not ready to drills this year...too much left to get done...

01-11-2015, 04:26 PM
That's funny. They must know that daddy thinks all maple all the time.

01-11-2015, 05:16 PM
For the life of me I can't figure out where they would ever get such a realistic idea....

01-12-2015, 05:35 PM
Cranking things up here...soo much to do and running out of time...set the tank, releaser and vacuum pump for the new bush today. The 6 rolls of pipe should be here Friday so I can hang it and cut in saddles this weekend..praying I can get this done soon so I can hit the other bushes to fix down trees and smushed lines...Oh and the drill was in the fridge this morning...they think they are soo funny

01-16-2015, 05:30 PM
Got the pump house all wired today...waiting for the inspection and then have the power co drop power...also picked up 5000' of 1" and 500' of 11/4" and 350 saddles....one gues as to what I will be doing all weekend....it's a good thing the pats are playing late Sunday...

01-19-2015, 06:06 AM
Someone is busy! Sounds like you are getting a lot done over there! Keep it up, you'll be sugaring in no time!

01-20-2015, 09:18 PM
Wow, sometimes things just work out too well...got the new pump house wired Friday...inspector showed up Sunday morning to inspect it...scared the hell out of me while I was cutting in saddles...then Monday morning first thing the utility company called me and will be here tomorrow morning to drop in the power...should be up and running this weekend...
Feels like someone up there likes syrup or something...

red maples
01-24-2015, 05:47 PM
Who's the inspector? is that in kingston or east kingston I know you're right on the line there. Both inspectors are pretty nice guys don't really break balls!!!

01-25-2015, 01:57 PM
That bush is in Kingston...guys name was joe something...took him about 5 mins to do the inspection...also met the road agent and he boils as well...only a few taps but he was excited...

01-25-2015, 02:00 PM
Still going through the bushes...up to 20 trees down from last year...looking at tapping in the next couple weeks...but I need to get through this storm first...forecast is for 2' this week and possibly another storm Friday...hope it all hardens up...will be nice to be 2' taller working on mains....

red maples
01-25-2015, 05:30 PM
you have to hook me up with that road agent..... I will be by around 9 am tomorrow morning to get that tank, if that works for you. I have to stop at home depot anyway so if later is better I can stop there first. whatever. if you want earlier I can be there at 8:25.

02-08-2015, 02:41 PM
Well, guys...it's time to kick it in gear...got everything pretty much fixed and all ready to tap...today was the big day...only got in a few taps, but it is a start...figure it's going to take me a couple weeks to get them all in....not to mention that the weather doesn't look too promising for a couple weeks...all in all I think it's time to start...at least the darn kids won't be able to play their drill games to torture me any more...good luck everyone

02-12-2015, 05:50 PM
Oh my god...more snow??...at this rate I'm going to have to dig to get to my taps!...only have a couple hundred in so far and the bug is killing me...and I'm getting worried about getting into one of my bushes, a loss of 1200 taps is going to be a nightmare...hope things are looking more positive for everyone....peace

02-20-2015, 05:35 PM
Well, it's been an interesting winter to say the least...hoping they are right for Sunday's weather and we get rain!...planning to finally break trails into the final bush...and then time to fire up the drills and continue tapping....temps look to warm right around the first...good luck folks...

02-21-2015, 06:52 PM
Pulled the trigger today...got about 300 tapped in...only 4700 left to go...had a real love/hate relationship going With my snowshoes today...slowed me down a lot and kicked my butt...beat the heck out of the alternative though...back at it in the morning..

red maples
02-22-2015, 04:57 PM
I started this afternoon. yeah tough going!!! but yes beats the alternative. I think it will be better when its a little colder too. rough today. I got a bit wet.

02-22-2015, 09:14 PM
Started the day out on the snowblower...got everything cleaned up then jumped on my sled and was finally able to break the trails open to get to the last bush...yay!!!...then headed back out to keep tapping...trees were dripping a bit in the sun...was nice to see after this winters temps....got another couple hundred or so in...then headed back to pressure wash my pans and fill with vinegar/water to clean them...fired up the arch and suprise suprise everything actually worked...no problems with the burners or filters or anything! ...had the place full of steam in about 10 mins...was really really nice to have steam again...even if it smelled like we were boiling Italian salad dressing...let it sit for a day or two and pressure wash it out again and we will be ready to go...providing we get sap...

03-02-2015, 04:53 PM
Not too much to,report here...have 800 in so far and tapping like a mad man...hopefully the woods come to life soon...
Finally broke down tonight and ordered a new pair of pacs from Whites boots in Spokane...my old ones finally gave up the ghost...kind of expensive but the last pair lasted me over 20 years....worth every penny if you want a boot recommendation...keep the faith folks...it's coming soon...

03-07-2015, 07:53 AM
Still tapping like a madman...1700 in so far...almost half way done...put the all call out for this weekend to the family and friends...hoping to have 2500 done by Sunday...planning to turn on The pumps in the first two bushes tomorrow...one is new so that goes right to the shack...the other goes on the ground for a day...all that is depending if anything actually runs...it all comes down to sap now....everything else is ready....Man! I need steam!!!...let the tsunami begin!

03-09-2015, 09:53 PM
First sap of the season today...got about 150 gals at the new bush and about 75 gals of yuck in the other...hoping to finish flushing that one tomorrow and turn the sap pump on...up to about 2200 in so far...the last bush is looking pretty rough...tons of storm damage from the snow...the
Last 400 feet of line got torn down and is completely buried...hoping I can get the other bush done so I can start the last on sat..have to admit that this year has kicked my butt and I haven't boiled anything yet...

red maples
03-10-2015, 05:12 PM
nobody has boiled anything yet. I was over there yesterday to check bees and greased the pump on the filter press. Thanks by the way. bees are alive

03-10-2015, 07:27 PM
Just finished collecting for the day...up to 350 gals in the tank and turning the done flushing the second bush...time to put that one in the tank tomorrow...only need a decent run and will start sweetening the pans tomorrow night...HOPING!!...everything I can cross is crossed...may not draw anything off but will finally have some steam...hope everyone else is rocking...

red maples
03-13-2015, 07:34 PM
I wish I was rocking... need syrup man. how many taps you up to?

03-14-2015, 08:21 AM
Have roughly 2500 in now...only about 1000 gals of sap to this point...need about 1200 gals to sweeten...well, all we can do is keep the faith...

red maples
03-14-2015, 07:13 PM
yep... still waitin'

03-15-2015, 05:47 PM
Turned the pumps on this morning not expecting much...never got much above 33 here with drizzle then snow...lo and behold I went to shut them down and I had 650 gals!!!...looks good for tomorrow as well...should be able to finish sweetening and might even make a few gals of syrup...YAY!!!...was getting a bit concerned...

03-15-2015, 06:52 PM
Glad things are finally flowing a bit for you. Looking better up here too. I got up to some sap in my tanks today in Raymond. Had about 100 gallons total from 175 or so taps on 3/16 gravity. Just enough sap to sweeten for me. Pulled off a quart before it was all said and done. Kids are psyched. Hoping tomorrow will be a big sap day!