View Full Version : 2015 Pre-season Meeting

01-09-2015, 10:13 AM
MSPAC Pre-season Meeting Agenda
January 10, 2015
Young Building, UNCONN, Storrs, CT

8:00 Registration, Coffee, Donuts Fruit and Good Conversation
9:00 Welcome and Call to Order Mark Harran
9:05 Business Meeting- Reports and Votes
Secretary’s Report-Minutes of previous meeting s Kay Carroll/Mike Smith
Membership Report/Dues for 2015 Bob Dubos
Treasurer’s Report/Membership dues, donations, etc Buster Scranton
Nominations Committee Report Wayne Palmer
DROP in the Bucket Report Rick Goulet
Sugar Houses Open to the Public & Grading Kits Ron Wenzel
Web site report Kay Carroll/Geoff Picard
Cook Book Kay Carroll
Maple Education 101 Geoff Picard/Bob Dubos
FSMA Status Mark Harran
ALB Status Kay Carroll
NAMSC Report Mike Girard
IMSI Report Richard Norman/Mark Harran
Old Business Members
New Business/Adjourn Business Meeting Members
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Speaker: Tim Wilmot, University of Vermont with panel discussion afterwards if time permits
12:45 Adjournment