View Full Version : Sugar content questions

02-22-2004, 04:28 PM
OK, I have a mixutre of sugar and red maples that I tap. I have a D&G brix today and my sugars are at 2.5% while the reds are at 1.5%. Sound about right?

When mixed together in my storage bin they came out to a little over 2%

The brix said for sap at 38 degrees but I am sure it was a little colder than that. will that affecth ow accurate it is?

Also, since syrup is about 67% sugar at 2% I would be starting the season making a gallon of syrup from every 33.5 gallons of sap. Is that right?


02-22-2004, 04:40 PM

Use the Rule of 86. Divide 86 by the percentage of the sugar content. For example, 86 divided by 2 equals 43. It has been years seen I have been able to get overall 2% sugar content. I would love to see that and at least 90% of my taps are sugars.

As far as the temp of the sap, 38 degrees is only 6 degrees above freezing. So with handling it and everything, I would say you were close to that or so close it wouldn't make any difference! :D

02-25-2004, 05:17 PM
I do love my R.O. by the time I am done my sugar content is around 10. One time I turned the valve a bit too much and got it up to 14. Wife almost killed me as it was making syrup in the back flue pans