View Full Version : new stainless 5/16" bucket spouts?
01-20-2007, 10:45 AM
Has anyone tried or have impressions on the new stainless 5/16 bucket spouts? I think there in the new CDL or Small Bros. catalogue. The look simple with a straight pipe with a flange on the end to keep the bucket on. Also quite a bit cheaper than the Leader ones at only 1.10 each. Leaders just went up to 1.70 per for 100. Ouch...
Anyone used these yet? I may order some and give em a shot...
Russell Lampron
01-20-2007, 12:53 PM
I use the Leader 5/16" bucket spouts and they work good.
Fred Henderson
01-20-2007, 01:08 PM
Has anyone tried or have impressions on the new stainless 5/16 bucket spouts? I think there in the new CDL or Small Bros. catalogue. The look simple with a straight pipe with a flange on the end to keep the bucket on. Also quite a bit cheaper than the Leader ones at only 1.10 each. Leaders just went up to 1.70 per for 100. Ouch...
Anyone used these yet? I may order some and give em a shot...
I have heard about them and while at a trade show I asked a guy from Maple Pro and he was going to send me a sample but never did. I never pursued it any further.
Father & Son
01-20-2007, 02:26 PM
I just returned from our local association meeting and I just purchased 50 of these new spouts to try. Very impressed with the appearance. More impressed with the price $1.10 a piece. Will know more in about a month when we can put them to use.
Russell Lampron
01-20-2007, 03:05 PM
I saw them in the Maple Pro catalog. A simple design that looks like it will work well and they are made of stainless so they should be easy to clean.
The only thing I would be worried about is how well a bucket will stay on it when it is windy.
01-20-2007, 03:14 PM
The wind issue is the first one I tought of...wish I had one right now (blowing in the mid 20mph range, gusting to 40mph) to hang a bucket on the birch tree outside just to see how they "hang" to speak....
Russell Lampron
01-20-2007, 03:20 PM
I think if the spout is at too much of an angle down there might be a problem. Today would be a good day to test them if you had one to test.
The Leader spouts have a raised barb that holds the bucket on good. They are more expensive though and it would be worth it to try the Maple Pro spouts. It may not be a problem at all.
Fred Henderson
01-20-2007, 03:37 PM
Des anyone have an web address to get a catalog from or to look at an online catalog.
01-20-2007, 03:51 PM
I'm looking at the 2007 maple pro catalog and I don't see a web site listed anywhere but their phone number is 1-800-762-5587 if you want to try to get a catalog.
In this day and age it is odd that they have no web site listed. Unless I missed it
Fred Henderson
01-20-2007, 05:27 PM
Thanks Keith I will give them a call Monday.
Dave Y
01-20-2007, 05:59 PM
On the back of the new Maple pro catolog it say's" Visit our new website Feb.07 Can't get any clearer than that.
hard maple
01-20-2007, 06:00 PM
I work in a machine shop and I plan to crank these puppies out by the thousands!! 316 stainless at a fraction of the price...I'll keep ya posted.
Dave Y
01-20-2007, 06:01 PM
that's misspelled the first one!
Fred Henderson
01-20-2007, 06:04 PM
I work in a machine shop and I plan to crank these puppies out by the thousands!! 316 stainless at a fraction of the price...I'll keep ya posted.
All I need to know is where can I get the 5/16 ss tubing.
Fred Henderson
01-20-2007, 06:05 PM
that's misspelled the first one!
I clicked it and it said that the site was under construction.
01-20-2007, 06:28 PM
Let us know how they work. I think the buckets will hang on just fine, after looking at them in person. I like several things, the SST , no rust and should clean up nice, size is good to heal trees faster, price is just about as good as good used 7/16 spiles.
01-20-2007, 06:30 PM
I went back and looked again and right before my blind eyes was the the web site address. I looked right at it before and didn't see it.
Dave Y
01-20-2007, 07:48 PM
I bought 100 of these spiles today and I think the will work very well. at first i thought I would need to ream out the hole in the top of my buckeks, But I think you could place the spile though the hole in the bucket first then install it in the tree. Then place your cover on sideways and just rotate the bucket when you empty it. Does anyone see anyproblems doing it that way?
Father & Son
01-20-2007, 08:54 PM
I was just comparing the spouts side by side. The inner diameter is larger than the leader spout. The flange to hold the bucket on is smaller than the leader barb so I guess we'll have to see how they hold the buckets in windy conditions.
Chris - Glad to see you're back on the trader. Being locked out could turn a person's world upsidedown :(
Russell Lampron
01-21-2007, 06:13 AM
Dave Y,
That sounds like a good idea. Try it and let us know how it works.
I don't think the smaller hole makes much of a difference. Actually it may help keep bacteria from getting into the tree. I have been using the Leader spouts for 4 years and they run later into the season than the 7/16" spouts I used to use.
It isn't February 2007 yet! 8O You can call the number that Keith gave you and they will mail you a catalog. You could also write them a letter, their address is 39 Rewes Drive, ST Albans, VT 05478.
Fred Henderson
01-21-2007, 07:28 AM
There I go Russ, didn't have my eyes tuned to the right page. :D
01-21-2007, 07:42 AM
One thing I have found is that if you put the tap through the bucket and then tap the tree is it can be cumbersome to dump. Reason is, say the bucket is full, now you have to grab that with one hand and hold the collection bucket with the other rotate the bucket and hope you get it in the collection bucket. I have done it, but can be a little hairy.
Since the trunks can flare out at the base you can't always just leave your collection bucket on the ground and twist the bucket on the tap and dump, you kinda have to hold them both. But if you got some cheap help and another set of hands, you'll have much less trouble.
You may find that reaming out the bucket hole and just sliding on and off is only more work when you are reaming the holes for those few seconds each, then they work forever.
01-21-2007, 01:42 PM
I don't use them but have been told that the 5/16 bucket spouts will keep sap inside the spout so that the air doesn't get to the wood where as the 7/16 spouts drain out and air gets to the wood and begins the healing process faster. Not sure if its true but I have heard from others that the small spouts will run longer than the 7/16.
I know that my pipeline will run for 2 weeks longer than my 7/16 buckets.
01-21-2007, 02:45 PM
I haven't seen one in person, but in the catalog, the pic almost makes it look like it would work on tubing also?? I bought 50 of the health stainless spouts and tried 19 of them last year and sent the other 31 back. They won't seat and seal very good in my opinion and wanted to leak. :?
Russell Lampron
01-21-2007, 03:01 PM
From my own experience with them the 5/16" spouts do run longer. In my woods I only had 2 of them stop running after 4 weeks out of 40. At my fathers house I had 85 7/16" taps, about 1/2 of them had stopped running after the same amount of time. I have purchased all 5/16th spouts for this season.
They say that you only get about 80% of the sap with a 5/16" tap that you do with a 7/16" tap but if they run longer you actually get more. I have seen enough full buckets on the 5/16" taps to disagree with that figure as well.
maple flats
01-21-2007, 05:24 PM
last year I used about 50 of the leader ones. 30 were in a high wind area and the buckets fell off often. I had one break at the point where it entered the tree, then I had to thread the center hole in the broken tap and make a puller to remove the broken piece. I do not know how it broke, I just found it on the ground one day when I went to collect sap. The leader ones turned out to be cast ? something, pot metal or alum is my guess. I will be trying some of the ss from maple pro to evaluate them. I had thought I might tru using a bungey extended by twine to hold the buckets tight to the tree in my high wind area.
Father & Son
01-21-2007, 07:27 PM
Thanks for the info on the spout size. This only being our 3rd year and I don't have alot to compare to yet. That's the great thing about this site. I may be able to avoid some of the mistakes that I would have made on my own through trial and error because of the experience and knowledge everyone is willing to share :)
01-21-2007, 08:14 PM
CDL spouts at the meeting did not look like the picture in the book. They did not have the spot extension as Brandon mentioned. They were flush with the face of the washer.
Dave Y,
I agree if the spouts work ream the holes in the buckets to allow removal and dumping. I think these small spouts may not take the twisting and rotating to dump while on the tree. We will see.
We rotated and dumped buckets all the time when I was a kid. Spilled a lot of nice sap too!
Father & Son
01-21-2007, 08:21 PM
I think # 10 on that same page of the catalog is the one we're talking about.
01-21-2007, 08:25 PM
Missed that item will have to look again. check your mail.
Russell Lampron
01-23-2007, 05:35 AM
Maple Flats,
I have had some buckets blow off of the trees with the 5/16" spouts in strong winds too but it wasn't any more than when I was using the 7/16" spouts. The people that gather sap for me like them better too.
White Barn Farm
01-23-2007, 06:34 PM
I bought 25 of the 5/16 bucket spouts yesterday. I'll let you know how I make out
01-25-2007, 05:19 PM
I bought 50 of the leader 5/16 spouts last year and after reaming out the bucket holes, they worked great. My woods are pretty protected from any high winds, so I have never had a bucket fall off. As for the 7/16 healing faster due to air being allowed in....I don't buy it. All of the 5/16 holes were nearly completely healed over by mid summer. most of the 7/16 holes were just showing signs of healing and I have had a couple of the larger holes taking over a year to close off. The small taps really seemed to be very "tree friendly". I will be getting another 25 this year.
01-25-2007, 08:45 PM
I made the comment on the 7/16 hole letting in more air than the 5/16.
What I ment was that the 7/16 hole drains out completely when the sap is not flowing where as the 5/16 has the tendency to hold alittle sap in the spout. Therefore keeping the air out. I have had more than one person tell me that the 5/16 taps ran longer in the season than the 7/16. So I feel that the air is drying the hole out and beginning the trees healing process.
Ididn't mean that the 7/16 hole will completely heal over the hole faster than the 5/16.
Definately the 5/16 should and will completely seal itself if the tree is healthy in the summer.
My fealing is that you may lose a little sap by having a smaller hole but if it runs longer it would catch up.
Russell Lampron
01-26-2007, 05:35 AM
We will have to wait until after the season to see how the new CDL 5/16" spouts work. I have been using the Leader 5/16" spouts for 4 years and until now there weren't any other brands to try for comparison. I am very happy with the results I have gotten with the Leader spouts. They run longer into the season, the trees heal up faster, gathering is easier and I will probably catch some flack for this but I tap smaller trees with them.
Russell Lampron
04-12-2007, 05:39 AM
After another season of using them I am still impressed with the Leader 5/16" hookless bucket spouts. Most of mine are still running after 6-1/2 weeks without reaming. My father is a believer now too. He put out about a dozen 7/16" Warner spouts because he didn't have enough of the Leader 5/16" spouts. All of them have stopped running while only a small amount of the Leader spouts have stopped.
Fred Henderson
04-12-2007, 06:40 AM
Russ; I am in total agreement with you on the 5/16 alu spout. I have 35 out and they were all running good yesterday but I had to ream for the 7/16 cast steel ones. I will bget more of the ALu ones for next year.
maple flats
04-12-2007, 07:04 AM
Yesterday most of my 5/16 Leader bucket spouts were running too, never been reemed. As a matter of fact on one big tree I timed the second fastest drip speed at anout 5:00pm and it was at 90 drops/minute, would have timed the fastest but that bucket is positioned so the drops hit the side instead of the bottom of the bucket and I couldn,t hear them. That tap was overflowing on a 4 gal bucket and the 90/ was not quite full, both had been emptied late the nite before, about 21 hrs earlier. I do like these but SS would be better if they hold buckets good enough.
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