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View Full Version : Tapping on Town Common

01-02-2015, 09:28 AM
Do any of you have arrangements to tap your town commons?

I'm in the early ideas stage of working something out where we could do something for the town to celebrate its 300th birthday by tapping the trees on the common and making some special edition syrup.

I'm up for providing taps, barrel, doing a kickoff/demo, picking up the sap daily (others will collect and dump into a barrel there), boiling, having visitors, bottling, bucket cleaning at the end etc., but it's a lot of time and effort to do for complete pro bono.

Is a 50:50 split on the syrup reasonable? I usually do a quart per 25 taps, but I'm willing to bump that up for the special occasion. Has anyone else done something like this?

I don't want to give the appearance of profiteering off of the occasion, but I can't be a complete martyr either.


01-02-2015, 09:34 AM
Can you work a deal with a local school so that they can learn at the same time? Years ago, we lived in a town that did that. The school kids "helped" tap and pour, etc. They sold the syrup at school functions and it went over real well. The town was happy to be a part of it. Just a thought.....

01-02-2015, 10:40 AM
I do a lot of free tours and demos now and this new opportunity would have that as well. We're also going to have families in the community help with the collecting and pouring. It seems like there is going to be a lot of interest in this.


01-02-2015, 03:46 PM
I tapped some roadside trees last year, some on town owned land. Technically they are owned by the town regardless, since they are within the road right of way. Not on the town common however. After talking to a couple different groups I ended up getting a tapping permit from the tree warden. Has some restrictions like for "hobbiest use only and using 5/16 tapholes, but worked out well. Helps to go through proper channels, just in case. Good luck, and hope to see your operation sometime this season.


01-05-2015, 09:26 PM
The first step would be to talk to your tree warden. If you can get an ok then the next step would to see if the town would require it to bid out or request for proposals. If the town is going to let it be tapped then to be fair anyone who is interested can bid on the amount per year. In many cases no one else is interested so you would get the bid. The same process is usually done on state owned land. I can get you more info if you would like

01-05-2015, 10:08 PM
Hey Keith,

Thanks for the advice. I would like any other info you have, if you don't mind.

You can throw it in the bag with the other stuff I'll be picking up from you!:o Carolyn Wheeler is going to give you a poster, a bunch of cards and brochures to pass along to me as well. Sorry to add to the job. I should get up there before the end of the month. I appreciate the help.

Thanks again,