01-02-2015, 09:28 AM
Do any of you have arrangements to tap your town commons?
I'm in the early ideas stage of working something out where we could do something for the town to celebrate its 300th birthday by tapping the trees on the common and making some special edition syrup.
I'm up for providing taps, barrel, doing a kickoff/demo, picking up the sap daily (others will collect and dump into a barrel there), boiling, having visitors, bottling, bucket cleaning at the end etc., but it's a lot of time and effort to do for complete pro bono.
Is a 50:50 split on the syrup reasonable? I usually do a quart per 25 taps, but I'm willing to bump that up for the special occasion. Has anyone else done something like this?
I don't want to give the appearance of profiteering off of the occasion, but I can't be a complete martyr either.
I'm in the early ideas stage of working something out where we could do something for the town to celebrate its 300th birthday by tapping the trees on the common and making some special edition syrup.
I'm up for providing taps, barrel, doing a kickoff/demo, picking up the sap daily (others will collect and dump into a barrel there), boiling, having visitors, bottling, bucket cleaning at the end etc., but it's a lot of time and effort to do for complete pro bono.
Is a 50:50 split on the syrup reasonable? I usually do a quart per 25 taps, but I'm willing to bump that up for the special occasion. Has anyone else done something like this?
I don't want to give the appearance of profiteering off of the occasion, but I can't be a complete martyr either.