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View Full Version : Something in my syrup from last season

12-31-2014, 10:31 AM
Last season I made three gallons of syrup. I bottled in used Modello beer bottles and capped with metal crown caps. There are three bottles left from the run and two of them have some stuff floating in them. For lack of a better term...it looks like snot.
Any idea what this might be? As far as I know were were careful about cleaning the bottles, but I tend to think it's some bacteria stuff.
Thanks for helping.

12-31-2014, 11:19 AM
Last season I made three gallons of syrup. I bottled in used Modello beer bottles and capped with metal crown caps. There are three bottles left from the run and two of them have some stuff floating in them. For lack of a better term...it looks like snot.
Any idea what this might be? As far as I know were were careful about cleaning the bottles, but I tend to think it's some bacteria stuff.
Thanks for helping.

Where is it. Floating on the top, on the bottom ore suspended? Could be sugar sand, harmless. Was your syrup thin? Bacteria should not grow in syrup, note the should not.

12-31-2014, 12:30 PM
Hey Cabin,
Thanks for the reply,
Mostly the stuff is at the top although it can be suspended as well. The syrup was not thin and I made sure to bottle as recommended at temp and brix.

12-31-2014, 12:51 PM
It is most likely some biological contamination (mold, fungi, etc).

maple flats
12-31-2014, 01:25 PM
It is most likely some biological contamination (mold, fungi, etc).
To expand, syrup must be bottled in clean bottles (or jugs), must be at least 180 degrees (after filling, cold glass will lower the temp) and must be sealed. After filling, tip the bottle or lay it on it's side to kill any mold spores in the cap. Most likely at least 1 of these points failed or was lacking, or the cap seal leaked.

12-31-2014, 04:10 PM
Most likely at least 1 of these points failed or was lacking, or the cap seal leaked.

Dave is correct on all counts. If you used standard caps, the plastic seal may have melted due to the high temperatures.