View Full Version : POS Fitiings!
Dennis H.
12-27-2014, 04:12 PM
I am going to let off a little steam, I am going to apologize before hand, sorry.
I got Lapierre's slide style fittings 2 years ago when I put in the tubing at my dads cabin. I also used Lapierre's clear hooked fitting.
I can now say that I will not buy either one again.
I was up today putting the sap tank in and also the vac pump. Once they were in I decided to walk the lines to check things out.
I found a bunch of the slide fittings pulled off the end tree. I do the end tree by 1st looping a section of 5/16 around the end tree. I then use a slide fitting along with one of the hooks that allow it to hook to 5/16 tubing. I pull the lat tight and then put in into the slide fitting. It seems like the hook does not have enough strength to hold it self to the 5/16 tubing going around the end tree. I am going to use a wire tie to make a better attachment when I go back up.
Then there are the clear hooked connectors. After the 1st season I had probably a dozen broken. They break right off at the square center section. Today I found a few more. It seems that the clears do not like to have any kind of off center tension. I have a bunch used to just join 2 5/16 tubing together and they hold up good. But all that broke were being used to hook the lat to the mainline wire at the saddle fitting.
I used Leader black hooked connector prior to these and I am now switching back to them for any of the hooked fittings at the mainline wire.
12-27-2014, 04:44 PM
Dennis, I feel your pain...been there too...really sucks fixing lines for a bad connector. Give the CDL hook connector a try for the connection at the mains and they have several end line connectors. IN three years of using CDL products not a single one has let me down. They have all impressed me very well and the saddles have ended my deer issues.
I am just getting in from working on setting up two more mains. All the old system looks perfect. Had to remove a branch and reconnect a rapid tie strap that let the main go to the ground under the weight of the branch; but it was back up and tight in all of three minutes.
Good Luck and thanks for sharing.
12-27-2014, 04:50 PM
Tell us how you really feel Dennis? Lol
Just checking but are you sure you have the slide fittings on the right way? I used them last year , recommended by our good buddy Xak, and had no issues at all.
I have installed more this year using 1 at each end of a lateral ( around tree and hooked to mainline wire) and I can pull the 30p as tight as possible and they don't come apart.
Dennis H.
12-27-2014, 07:20 PM
Here is the fittings that I am talking about.
The one pic shows the slide fitting and the hook adaptor that I am using. The hook part is what is driving me crazy. I am planning on running a wire tie thru the cutout part and around the 5/16 tubing at the end tree to try and keep the hook from coming off.
If I used them at the main line to hook onto the wire I would not need the hook adaptor and I thin they would work great for that purpose.
The other pic is the hooked connector, but the one I am using is the clear version. I am wondering if the black style is made from the same type of plastic.
12-27-2014, 08:08 PM
We used slide fittings on the mainline ends of a section of woods we set up a couple years ago and I don't think I will use them again. They are quick to use but during the ice storm last winter, with all the tops breaking off landing on the laterals, they were letting the tubing to slip through the fitting resulting in bent over fittings on a bunch of our fixed head saddles. Doesn't seem to be enough grip to keep the loop. I heard other people with the same issue. Granted there was a ton of stuff on the lines, but we didn't have the issue on the stuff with the regular hooks. Just my $.02 :-|
12-27-2014, 08:12 PM
That is exactly what I am using Dennis. The hook connector at the tree and just the slide fitting on the mainline wire, no splicing in a coupler. What's nice is you can tighten the lateral from either end .
I really think you have the tubing around the tree with the hook connector backwards . I've done it, it won't hold. I'll take a picture when I'm back in the woods.
12-27-2014, 08:24 PM
I use lapierre end clips at the end of the lateral. They are black and snap onto the 5/16.
At the main I use the hollow polypropylene rope. Cut it 2', slide your tubing up in it 1', tie around the wire. No tension on the saddle.
Both are easily adjustable at each end.
Just my 2¢
I used the slide fittings but I do not like the fact that the sap has to go around the tree. So now I use wire and extra tuning. I use the hook to hook to the wire and its a straight drop works well
12-27-2014, 09:22 PM
I don't use the slide fitting at the end of the line, but they do make a rubber strap that wraps around the tubing and back to itself which would be similar to your wire tie. The hooks for the slide fitting don't seem to be made very strong and I never tried them for that reason.
I use slide fittings to connect the mainline because the line is then adjustable and there is one less connection for leaks. They work best when the line is @ 90'. If by chance a slide fitting comes off the wire the line will be slacked, but you will not loose sap or vacuum. I think the top of the slide fitting is a waste.
12-27-2014, 09:28 PM
I used the slide fittings but I do not like the fact that the sap has to go around the tree. So now I use wire and extra tuning. I use the hook to hook to the wire and its a straight drop works well
I use an end of line tee ADK, no sap goes around the tree. ;)
Dennis H.
12-27-2014, 09:48 PM
I don't want to seem stupid or any thing, but why do the manufactures not show anywhere how to use their own products??
I mean there is a nice video for the slide fittings but I don't see anything for the Plastic flimsy hook thingy that can be used with the slide fitting.
Maybe I am using it incorrectly but how am I to know if there is no info on the correct way to use them.
In hind sight I should have gotten the straps for the end tree to use with the slide fittings. They just seem like a better solution for the application than those hooks.
I do agree that the slide fittings are nice when it comes to taking slack out of a Lat or if the need to take equipment thru the sugarbush you can just drop the lats and put back up later without the need to cut the lats.
12-27-2014, 10:04 PM
why do the manufactures not show anywhere how to use their own products?? In hind sight I should have gotten the straps for the end tree to use with the slide fittings. They just seem like a better solution for the application than those hooks.
Right you are Dennis it would be nice to see more. I saw the video and I think Lapierre had a brochure, but I'm not sure it showed the strap. I am pretty sure the straps came out later. Slide fittings are a Eratube product.
12-27-2014, 10:36 PM
Couldn't agree more Dennis. Instructions are far and few between. Go buy a shower rod and you'll get instructions in 8 different languages , pictures for 10 different applications along with enough fasteners for 3 more rods. LOL......
Don't feel stupid about those hooks. Xak had to show me and I still had to look in the 2013 Lapierre caralog. If you have one it shows a picture of 3 different ways to use the slide fittings.
12-28-2014, 04:26 PM
I understand your pain. I have used all of the fittings each company makes, and I fully believe that there isn't any better fittings than leader usually I am price dependent, but with tubing I stick to leader fittings and tubing because i've always had good experiences with it. I like the bigger diameter, and the most helpful feature to me is the bigger barbs. I like nice tight laterals (I have a tendency to overtighten) and the leader fittings seem to hold best. the end ring fitting is really nice, yes I don't like sending the sap around the tree, but they are quick and easy to adjust and hold well. the only non leader fitting I buy is lapierre's super saddles, because they are way easier and faster to install, plus they seem to seal to the mainline better. I had some issues with the leader saddles, but I haven't tried the new ones quite yet. probably buy a few this year though to see how they work.
12-28-2014, 09:02 PM
We use end rings on the end tree, also 1 way tee's on the end tree drop to prevent sap from traveling to a "dead end". We then use slide fittings on the main end hooking it to the wire. Streching as tight as we can, we then "close" the slide fitting 100% with a pair of channel locks. Cut loop to desired length, install a Eratube fixed single saddle with double straps, also tightening the straps with the pliars. We install the gasket first making sure it seats properly to the pipe, then install the saddle onto the gasket. No issues. No leaks.
It only took me 5 years of tubing work in my woods to figure out the exact method and list of fittings that you use. I do use all CDL fittings.
As others have said, I suffered a lot of frustration at the lack of manufacturer instructions. One of my biggest mistakes / problems was no one telling me to install the gasket onto the pipe
before you put on the actual saddle. After I added vacuum to my gravity line, I had a difficult learning curve trying to get all of the leaks out of my system. That is when I found numerous
problems with the saddles the I had improperly installed. I ended up going through all of about 425 saddles that I had in my woods at that time (2008) and taking every one apart and changing
the gaskets, adding new straps, and properly re-installing them. I found about 95% of the gaskets were messed up in some way.
I do agree with Dennis that the lapierre end hook is a POS. I bought ten of them to try 3 years ago and 9 of them are still in the bottom of a bucket. I have used the end rings for 6 years and in
my opinion are the best way to install the end loop at the last tree on a lateral.
12-29-2014, 05:51 PM
So with the slide fitting used at the mainline, how tight do you slide the top back? I was installing some today and they only go about half way closed.
Do you have to use pliers?
P.S. I am new to tubing and will be installing about 1200 taps this year.
Dennis H.
12-29-2014, 06:35 PM
I did not use pliers when I installed them. The idea behind them is that the more the tubing is pulled the tighter the clamping force is. That is why I have to tap the top part of the slide fitting with a hammer to separate them to make any adjustments.
12-29-2014, 09:30 PM
Close the slide all of the way with pliars. I do mine while installing. Otherwise the 5/16" tubing will slip back and kink the loop going to the saddle.
Tappy Sap Master
12-30-2014, 05:56 AM
This year i am going to try using CDL's Rapifix strapping on a few end trees with the mainline hook connector to see if this is any better than the loop around the tree. Last year i used the loop method, but cut in a tee about 6" down the lateral. I use the strapping for my mainline, its so easy to install.
12-30-2014, 03:19 PM
I walked the woods today and checked lines and of course had to snap a pic for Dennis! ;)
Dennis H.
12-30-2014, 05:06 PM
Now I thought the whole idea of the slide fittings at the end tree was to eliminate the loop around the tree?
I can see when you do it that way some of the pulling force from the tightened lat would be felt against the tree and limit the amount the hooked adapter sees on the slide fitting.
Other than being able to remove the tubing if needed I see this setup being no different than the end ring that I used prior to these that I got thru Leader. And the end ring is cheaper to boot.
I am heading back up to the cabin this weekend, I'll snap a shot of how I did mine and how I am going to try and fix the problem.
12-30-2014, 05:27 PM
I think the advantage is you can easily tighten laterals at the tree Dennis. The pic doesn't show it but I use a end of line tee for a drop which stops sap from going around the loop. If a tree rat want to chew on that loop, no harm done unless it's cut in half.
12-30-2014, 06:58 PM
102171021810219 End of the lines fittings.
12-30-2014, 07:13 PM
10220 D@G Fork, Eratube Elbow hook for end line and Eratube Tee Plug male dead end used with end Loop.
Dennis H.
12-30-2014, 08:16 PM
I actually looked at the forked fitting before getting the slides. I liked the fact that the sap did not go around the tree and with the loop of 5/16 going around the end tree it would keep the lat nice and tight, but I went for the slide.
12-30-2014, 09:22 PM
I walked the woods today and checked lines and of course had to snap a pic for Dennis! ;)
You could always put a piece of protected wire around your end tree, then hook your slide directly to the wire without the extra piece required to hook to 5/16" tubing. This way the tubing would not be going around the tree.
12-30-2014, 09:27 PM
I use to use nothing but Ys to make a loop around the tree. I found that if I made the loop with some slack then made it pull tight by pulling the lateral tight and attaching it to the main with a slide fitting you don't have to worry about sap going the wrong way or the loop stretching when you add drops then in the off season I would just lower the loop and slack the line some. This season I am trying some plugs with hooks as they are a little cheaper and a little faster to install and I have this theory that having a plug is better for vacuum than an open loop.
12-30-2014, 09:35 PM
Syrup, I've seen that in the Lapierre catalog. There's always more than one way to skin a cat !
I run lat around tree , hook on slide fitting, tighten lateral and then on to the next one. Pretty fast and not much to carry in the woods.
Dennis H.
01-02-2015, 08:48 AM
I said I would post pics of what was happening with my fittings, well here they are.
This is showing the hook adapter on the slide fitting, you can see that it is just holding on. The loop that I made going around the tree is just that a loop of waste 5/16 and old fittings. They cost me nothing to make. I used just about any kind of fitting that would join 5/16 tubing. Dropline T, End ring, barbed connector.
Here is what I did to keep the hook from coming off, I used a plastic wire tie thru the hole in the hook.
This is the clear plastic fittings that break on me. Nice clean break.
This is why I think they break. As you can see since the hook is below the fitting it has a tendency to rotate with the tension on the lat which causes a sort of upward pull on the barb fitting. And since it is not made of a flexible type plastic it ends up breaking off over time.
Joseph Siemen
01-02-2015, 06:34 PM
I really like the end y for the end of lateral lines then I just use a black hook straight from leader...go thru put all your drops in and make sure when your done its so tight it wants to slip thru your tubing tool. Key is a two handed tubing tool. I built two myself for 17$ from tractor supply one 5/16th and now converted this season one 3/16th. I like the end y that have at least 2 barbs on the y going around the tree. I seam to be able to tighten it just as much as I want and it pulls my mainline tight in the process. Its cheap and it's really secure my lines never break at those hook straights it will either be an old T or squirrels.
01-02-2015, 08:27 PM
I can see why those hooks come off Dennis. If you had wire inside that tubing around the tree you could cut open a small section and then hook the slide fitting to that without using the additional hook and no need for zip ties.
Dennis H.
11-21-2015, 06:21 PM
Lapierre clear barbed fittings strike again.
Took a walk thru the sugarbush today to clean up any downed trees and to see what kind of damage that the tubing got this summer that needs to be repaired.
Well I found a few stubbies that needed replaced due to animal chews but the biggest thing that I found was broken clear Lapierre barbed fittings. I had to replace about 8 in total.
A few were the hooked to the mainline wire but most were out in the open where I had to make prior repairs or where I had to join two lengths of 5/16 together.
I did not have a single Leader barbed fitting fail yet, they are the black ones.
I am thinking that the clears are just too brittle to take any kind of force, not sure where I would use them if I got more, which I will not.
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