View Full Version : need suggestion for tubing
12-26-2014, 09:51 PM
Hi all. Hope everyone had a great holiday.
Starting to get things in order for this upcoming sugarin' season. I use the plastic 5/16" taps and am happy with them. Last year I bought some tubing for them. I dont run any lines from tree to tree. Instead, I have 2-3 taps on each tree and rather than having 2-3 sap containers on each tree, I thought I'd have tubes going in the taps, and the other ends going into a single container for each tree. I picked up some tubing from a hardware store and it worked ok, but I am hoping to find something that is "softer" and more flexible. Any suggestions? The tubing I bought last year is pretty thick and kind of stiff. I hope I'm being clear here. Again, looking for soft tubing. Thanks for any ideas.
I hope we all have a great season!
12-26-2014, 09:59 PM
Sounds like you are looking for some Semi-Rigid 5/16" tubing. All of the major sugar equipment dealers make it and sell it such as Lapierre, CDL, Leader Evaporator, H2O, and Dominion and Grimm. Not sure where you are exactly, but I am sure there are dealers in your area or perhaps an FW Webb store they sell tubing as well. Most of the companies sell online as well and have dealer locator tools. The maple guys are the sponsor of the site if you click the new equipment link it will take you to their page.
12-26-2014, 10:28 PM
Thanks for such a prompt and detailed reply! :) so semi-rigid basically means a softer tubing?
How does this look? I think it might be what I am looking for:
Thanks again.
12-27-2014, 01:00 AM
If you are lookin for softer... dont go 30p. With leader, max flex is the "softer" tubing.
maple flats
12-27-2014, 07:04 AM
I far prefer Leader's 30P, the one you link to. I bought the max flex and found it harder to put on the fittings. I finally used warm water to dip just 1 side in, if I dipped the whole end in it got too soft to push on with a tubing tool. With 30P I just use the tool, no heat. If you have no tool, either make one or you can use warm water, don't heat it more than necessary.
12-27-2014, 10:06 AM
When i bought my rigid tubing i was told to just use a lighter to heat up the end.. after destroying my hands for 3 days forcing them on the fittings(lighters don't work too well in windy conditions) I decided to try the hot water in a thermos method... a million times better!
12-27-2014, 10:34 AM
RH, I had used 30P for several seasons on our farm. Still have some left that will be switched out over the next 5-10 years.
When we started retubing in 2012 I tried some Lap and CDL product. We are all CDL from here out.
If you are looking for a tubing that you can slip on a spout, tee y or connector by hand and not have it pull off you are looking for CDL 50. You can use this between trees but I prefer the Rigid between the trees. Stretch the lines from the main to the trees and pull it tight. I use a 3' section of rapid tie(RT) to connect to a hook connector. the connector has a section that is connected to the saddle. For best leak free seals don't pull on a saddle fitting.
If a branch falls on the lines they often will go right back; but with the length of RT you can tighten the line with out cutting any time of the season.
The price of the tubing will depend on the supplier but in my area it is the best price around.
There is a new CDL Superstore in central NY, I would strongly suggest a road trip and visit the store to see what they offer.
I would suggest locking at star fitting sthat could be attached to a hole in the top or side of the container. If the container wall was to thin to thread to accept the star fitting then use a pvc threaded adapter to lock to star to the container.
Stars come in 6 and 3 inlets so you have a good way to attach the lines into a fitting and use the RT around a end tree with the container at the base.
There are several different ways of doing what you want; so start thinking out of the box and find what will work best for you. Remember simple is the best way to go as long as cost is calculated in to the equation.
Good Luck
12-27-2014, 01:30 PM
Same here CDL all the way!!! works better for me than leader semi. one suggestion is to build a tubing tool they are by far the best way to install failsafe fittings. that's my 2 cents. Good luck
12-27-2014, 01:47 PM
Another vote for cdl but I also have had good luck with d&g tube. Don't like leader stuff. If you use cdl smart spouts or leader check valves you can put them on by hand. Have fun
maple flats
12-27-2014, 03:58 PM
I may need to try some CDL, I keep hearing others who like it. The only other one I tried was Lapierre, but I found it stretches too much, far more than 30P by Leader.
12-27-2014, 09:34 PM
In my opinion as far as 5/16" tubing goes I don't think there is any difference between CDL and Lapierre semi rigid. If you didn't see the label you probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
12-27-2014, 09:59 PM
In my opinion as far as 5/16" tubing goes I don't think there is any difference between CDL and Lapierre semi rigid. If you didn't see the label you probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
My experience with lapierre tubing is that it stretches too tight reducing the id of the tube especially when snaking in and out of trees. I stretch my laterals real right my e too tight and lapierre I can stretch to 3/16 if I wanted to
Cdl has a little more rigidity
12-28-2014, 09:59 AM
I picked up some tubing from a hardware store and it worked ok, but I am hoping to find something that is "softer" and more flexible. Any suggestions? The tubing I bought last year is pretty thick and kind of stiff.
If the tubing you bought at the hardware store was not standard maple tubing, then it was likely HDPE and very thick, rigid, and not real flexible. Any maple tubing would be an improvement in that case.
12-31-2014, 10:14 AM
Thank you all for the replies and suggestions. Yes, the tubing I bought from the hardware store was not specifically for maple tubing. I think it was irrigation or agriculture tubing. It went on the taps just fine and kept a very tight fit. But like I said, it was just to thick. Id prefer not to have to use a tool. I only put out 25-30 taps. Just want a soft, flexible tubing I can slip over my taps so I can use a single large collection container on each tree that has multiple taps in it.
Several of you like CDL. If I go with that and want the softer, flexible tubing, do I just search for semi-ridged 30p? Sorry - dont know much about tubing. Thanks again!
jason grossman
12-31-2014, 08:44 PM
I work with tubing for a living and have used all brands, and I think what you are looking for is a cdl flex, or ipl 4 seasons. Lapierre ultra a, or h2o flex will also do fine. If you want flexible DONT use a rigid or semi rigid.
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