View Full Version : Glass Container: Freezing the Syrup In???
02-22-2004, 04:06 PM
Like to know how this works to freeze The syrup, lets say in 12 oz. Glass bottle.
Can this be done or will they break doing this? :?:
Is there any Freezing in the bottle if it can be done?
Im asking because I have a bottle in the freezer as we type.
It did freeze or should I say a portion of it is frozen Up so far,
Around 10% of the bottle has some ice in it at this time.
Im hopeing it doesnt take away from the taste or color.
But Im hopeing it will not crack the bottle also?? :oops: :oops:
02-22-2004, 04:16 PM
I freeze the syrup I keep for myself, but I do freeze it in sugarhill plastic syrup jugs. That is the best way to keep it fresh and preserve the flavor. I am still eating last season's syrup and it is as good as it was last year. Syrup if it is finished to the correct density will not freeze, but get sorta like tar; really thick. If part of it is freezing, you may not have it to the correct density or that may be normal. I can't watch mine as it is in plastic jugs although none of mine ever seems frozen.
As far as glass, it may break but I wouldn't think so if the jars are about 10% empty when you put them in the freezer to allow for any expansion.
Good luck!
Hi Chuck,
Freezing will in no way hurt syrup , in fact for long term storage , a year or more , it is an excellent way to keep it . It will freeze but not into a solid block like water. I have never had it break the glass or a seal but would not say it is impossible. I freeze about 60 gallons per year then reheat to bottle after the syrup season. I freeze my 5 gallon containers as I do not always have a good seal when I fill them at the syrup house plus I add a couple of days together if I do not make 5 gallons in one boil.
Good Luck---- Race
02-23-2004, 07:38 AM
Y'all lost me...
I have never seen or heard of anyone 'freezing' syrup and in fact can not imagine why anyone would want to do so (other than maybe unsealed 5 gallon containers that are going to be canned some time in the future)...
Syrup finished to the proper density is so high in sugar content that it is almost a 'preservative' itself...If it is bottled in clean containers at or above 180 degress F then the inside of the container is effectively sterilized and the containers do not need to be 'frozen' or even refrigerated...After opening, some people stick the jug in the fridge, but if it is going to be consumed/used within a month it is not necessary...
The real killers to 'flavour' are light and 'heat'...Store your jars and jugs in a cool, dry and dark place and syrup will keep literally for years...
I opened a gallon tin can last spring that was put up in 1972...It was fine...
ALL IMHO of course...Do whatever works for you...
02-23-2004, 07:35 PM
I have frozen a one quart honey bottle filled with syrup for judging at the Deerfield Fair in Sept. for years. I have never had one break. A lot depends on the quality of the glass also. I've had them break when I've been bottling them with hot syrup.
02-23-2004, 08:20 PM
well here's what is happening to the bottle of syrup: 8O
It has turned completely white in color like milk almost.
I was wondering if it turned to ice :?:
So I opened the bottle and stuck a Long rod into it :wink:
It is not frozen at all, but it does look weird :idea:
It does not look like syrup at all but a funny looking milkish color and like foam.
Is this the way it should look :?: 8O
I will let it in The freezer a few more days and see what happens :twisted:
Then Im going to take it out and put it in the frig and let it thaw slowly to see if it goes back to a syrup stage or if it will need to be reheated to get back to a normal syrup stage??
Just a small test for my self.
02-23-2004, 10:37 PM
Never heard of it turning white, at least mine didn't seem to. May be the water crystalizing on the outside of the syrup inside the jar. I think the producers manual suggested freezing it for extended storage. I have never had any of mine go bad unless it was several years old, but freezing it works great, at least for me. Tastes just like it came off the evaporator not that other syrup doesn't!
02-23-2004, 11:40 PM
It certainly should not be white. Did the bottle contain something else before you put the syrup in it? If the syrup was boiled down to the proper density, it should look the same as it did when you put it in the freezer, only thicker.
02-25-2004, 08:50 PM
It was put into a brand new maple glass 12.0z Bottle,
I first sterilized it, then bottled it 190 degree's.
It turned a milky white color when it was in for 3 days. But it never did freeze solid.
Now I took it out of the freezer this morning AND IT THAWD RATHER FAST and it looks just like the way I put it in ,
Nice and clear just like maple syrup. Why it turned that color I have no Idea???
"I will put it back in and take a picture of it and post it on here in a day or 2".
Then you can see for yourself what it looks like.
Dont mind putting it in again.
Its just a test for me.
02-25-2004, 10:26 PM
Don't worry about it, might just be a result of freezing it in glass. I would guess it is ice crystals forming just inside of the glass!
By the way, great chainsaw. I have a 310 Stihl and would put it up against any saw on the market! :D
02-26-2004, 05:20 PM
It looks like you might need some help harvesting all the game that is trying to take over your place! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hope the sap is running better for you than me. It looked like it was going to be a good week, but things can change in a hurry!
02-26-2004, 09:17 PM
I put the syrup bottle back in last nite, and it hasn't changed to that color now(milky white)??
My wife beleaves its because I put it in the freezer while the syrup was still warm from bottling.
Its in over 24hrs as of right now and is still the same color as when I put it in last nite(like syrup color).
Just alot heaver.
Brandon It was flowing here today very fast.
As for the game there seems to be plenty of them around.
Ive got a ton of pic's that I could post, but not to many people like to view it.
Im gonna take some of the family out in the sugar bush this weekend and mabe post them also.
Ill also put a pick of my homemade set up on their too.
I made a evaporator out of cinder block and an old wood stove and combined the 2 together.
Good luck again :!:
Chuck :mrgreen:
02-26-2004, 09:34 PM
Can't wait to see pics of your setup. I never get tired of looking at others setup no matter how large or small. I started out when I was about 14 in the back yard with a stainless 2x3 pan on about four cinderblocks and have grown a wee little bit from there. :D :D
As for the syrup, I definitely wouldn't put it in the freezer until at the next day. Don't want a drastic temp change or it could create other things besides syrup!
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
09-15-2004, 04:26 PM
Something to think about??? You said you sterilized the container before you put the syrup into it(rinsed with boiling water?). The minute of water what was left created a coating on the inside of the glass and did not allow that outer edge to contain proper density syrup and left the frosting on the glass/Beer mug theory...Kevin
09-15-2004, 05:49 PM
Excellent point. I never rinse a syrup container as they should be sterilized whenever I get them. Never thought of it that way! :D
03-16-2005, 07:12 AM
I found a gallon jug of syrup in the upstairs of my carriage house that
has gone through extreme freezing temps and summer heat for who knows how many years. The cap is rusted tight but the bottle and the syrup within seem fine.
03-16-2005, 07:49 AM
It is vaccum sealed and airtight. When you put the hot syrup in the containers, they expand slightly and as they cool, they contract and form a vaccum.
Sounds like you had a great seal on that one! :D
02-27-2006, 12:43 PM
We stored a lot of glass jars of syrup in an area that approached outdoor temperatures. They did not freeze or turn white. We did have a couple that grew a large sugar crystal in the jar. Does anyone know what would cause that.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-27-2006, 01:08 PM
Syrup density was too high.(Thick)
02-27-2006, 08:13 PM
I finished it out very close to 67 Brix but The syrup does seem to get a little thicker on the last couple of containers.
05-01-2006, 12:37 PM
We freeze syrup all the time. It keeps it from darkening and makes for an almost indefinite shelf life. The only problem we've run into is if the container was overfilled (really close to the top) it will push the cap off when the syrup expands as it freezes.
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