View Full Version : bottles

12-02-2014, 02:03 PM
As a small produces <45g I am tired of paying too much for:) plastic bottles Last year experimented with wine bottles. I was worried that the corks might not come out but that has not been a problem. We have been saving wine bottles and plan to use many this coming year. cost 1.5l bottle $0 cork $.12 label .45. Friends are more then gald to save bottle for you

12-02-2014, 02:50 PM
I could be wrong, but I don't believe you are supposed to SELL food products, including syrup, in a used container. If it is for your own use or for personal gifts, then you can do whatever you want.

12-03-2014, 09:34 AM
Well the alcohol industry sells in used containers as does the soda industry.

There is a milk bottler in our area that reuses bottles.

The feed industry this is absolutely NOT Allowed; due to too much disease out there.

I am think that I recall something about a person could bring in a bottle for refill without an issue but if the container was retailed it had to be sanitized prior to filling for resale.... I think this was in the NYS regs under Ag & Markets.

Wine bottle would need a good bicarb rinse to clear any residue. We do this to all kegs before washing them.

buckeye gold
12-03-2014, 12:08 PM
Used containers are definitely not allowed for retail, period. I know soda and alcohol have reusable bottles, but I imagine they have a very extensive reconditioning protocol. Unless you have a bottling facility that can properly recondition it's off limits. Dept of Agriculture Food Safety Guidelines say new containers for cottage and exempt foods, if I recall correctly.

maple flats
12-03-2014, 12:15 PM
I think the key point is that to reuse bottles you must have the proper equipment to clean it. I suspect it would need to be periodically inspected by the food cops of some sort. That is why milk bottlers can re-use glass, others too but I'll bet it would never be a small operation that could afford the equipment to pass an inspection.

12-03-2014, 09:13 PM
Straight from NYS Ag & Markets Regs:
New York State Weights and Measures Regulations
1 NYCRR Part 221
Revised March 29, 2007
(f) Reusable (returnable) glass containers. Nothing in this regulation shall be deemed to preclude the continued use of
reusable (returnable) glass containers; provided, that such glass containers ordered after the effective date of this
regulation shall conform to all requirements of this regulation.

1.All finished product containers are clean, sanitary and properly labeled.

12-04-2014, 09:17 AM
Ontario Regulations are clear. The applicable regulation is ONTARIO REGULATION 119/11 PRODUCE, HONEY AND MAPLE PRODUCTS

Containers of maple products
18. (1) A person may pack a maple product in any container that is suitable for the purpose, subject to subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5). O. Reg. 119/11, s. 18 (1).
(2) A container of maple syrup of any size shall be filled to at least 90 per cent of its capacity. O. Reg. 119/11, s. 18 (2).
(3) Containers of maple products, whether bulk containers or consumer containers, shall be clean and sound. O. Reg. 119/11, s. 18 (3).
(4) Consumer containers of maple products shall not have been previously used and be securely closed. O. Reg. 119/11, s. 18 (4).
(5) No person shall pack Ontario Processing Grade maple syrup in a bulk container that is less than 20 litres in size. O. Reg. 119/11, s. 18 (5).

I recycle all returned containers. IMO it's not worth the risk that one of the containers was used to temporarily hold something unthinkable before being returned for refill.

12-04-2014, 09:24 AM
I personally don't wee how the regs can stand as they currently are. There is to much risk involved in reusing a container.

Our DHS Registrations prohibits use from reusing containers but nonregistered facilities can do as they please. Seems to me a lapse in public safety; but that is only my opinion.

red maples
12-04-2014, 01:38 PM
I don't reuse any bottles glass or plastic. its just too risky. Especially "re-purposing" a bottle used from something other than maple. Like the Doc. says if its for gifts or self use its fine and unique but for retail sales you just need to factor the price into your sales but still stay in the price ball park of your region.

Plastic is cheap. In Bascom's catalog (if you pick them up no shipping charge) Quarts are $1.23 thats only $0.66 more than your paying now for label and cork. From my trips to VT. I do notice that syrup prices are much cheaper on average than we can get here in NH as long as your not in the local touristy shops. But I guess its just the system is flooded in many areas since there are soooo many producers in VT.