View Full Version : Maple BBQ sauce Price

red maples
11-20-2014, 10:27 AM
Just trying to figure out a good price. Its a new product for me and don't wanna chase people away with price. I will have samples and it really sells itself but just curious.

I am using a 12 oz bottle.

11-26-2014, 08:44 AM
You might try $.50 per ounce. I consider any value added product made with syrup to be worth approx $1.00 per ounce for the syrup portion as a minimum. Some places will be higher or lower. depends on your market. We see wide fluctuation in just syrup prices in a 150 mile area.
Good luck with your new product.

11-26-2014, 10:55 AM
Just trying to figure out a good price. Its a new product for me and don't wanna chase people away with price. I will have samples and it really sells itself but just curious.

I am using a 12 oz bottle.

What are you selling the 12 oz syrup for? Going lower may give the idea it is a cheaper product not worth buying.

11-26-2014, 11:26 AM
We make maple mustard (thanks, Chris) and sold it for $8 per 375 ML bottle, which weighed out to 16 ounces. Couldn't make it fast enough.
At the last sale we went to, we upped it to $9 and for the first time, didn't sell completely out. We're going to stay at $9 once more, this weekend. Then we'll decide where we want to be. Seems the ideal price is somewhere around that.
Going to get busy on the BBQ sauce, but not for this sale......

11-26-2014, 06:45 PM
I also make maple mustard my cost plan is put a cost to the syrup used (40$/gal or what you are going to pay to replace it), the cost of the bottle(.70) and labels(.34). the other ingredients,(4.99/105oz) labor to make it 20$/hr. I make 6+cases in 3hrs, of 8 fluid oz bottles input cost of material +- 2,40/bottle with labor 4.27/bottle. wholesale at 5.50/bottle(15%) retail 7/bottle(85%) I make 6cases per week just for my farm markets then my wholesale on top of this we use 75 gals of syrup per yr at this time just in mustard.. Please note folks that value added product are not always cottage law food product and must be classified acid or acidified foods. If it is not an acid food then a big hassle is in your future, good luck

Dennis H.
11-26-2014, 08:47 PM
There is some good info here. I too am starting to look into selling maple mustard and find it very helpful in pricing.
Firetech, good advice about checking what is legal in your area. I have not quite figured out what I have or must do to sell either BBQ sauce or maple mustard.
The good thing is that inspection time is coming up at the beginning of Jan so I will ask the inspector then.

red maples
11-28-2014, 08:25 AM
My prices are as follows:
I don't use any crazy formulas. The only thing is the maple nuts which I try to get the highest % without going too high.

maple BBQ @ $7.50 for a 12 oz bottle
maple must. @ $4 for the 5 oz hex jars
Maple cream @ $5 for round 5 oz cream jars
maple nuts @ $3.75 for 3 oz.

The BBQ sauce went over huge!!! I might make it $8 though. I had no idea how much to bring so I made 16 bottles and sold out in 3hrs. Friends of people that bought some were stopping by to check it out and get a taste. Wish I bought more!!! I have a few orders now. gotta get stuff made!!!

Oh BBQ sauce is a high acid product its syrup, Tomato, vinegar, and molasses so you can bottle it hot like you would syrup in glass and heat the bottles as well. I do the same with the mustard as well. bottle @ boiling temp into glass heated to about 210*

12-09-2014, 10:04 AM
I have a couple questions regarding selling maple bbq sauce:

1. Do you post nutritional information on the bottle?
2. Do you adjust your labeling significantly for bbq sauce as opposed to maple syrup (obviously you say bbq sauce or maple syrup on the bottle but I'm referring to logo, general layout)

I recently made some maple bbq sauce for the first time and I now see what I've been missing!

12-10-2014, 04:59 AM
What are you guys using for a recipe? Is everyone going by trial and error or is there a basic recipe being used?

05-01-2015, 11:42 PM
I can't sell mine cause it needs a dose of store bought BBQ sauce or homemade
Pork loin roast or pea meal bacon roast or ribs or etcetera :
-1 part maple syrup
-1/2 part marmalade (I make tons)
-1/2 part Dijon mustard
-2 parts bland bbq sauce of sorts but mild so other flavours shine esp maple

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