View Full Version : Industry Loss

Jim Brown
11-16-2014, 08:29 AM
It is with a sad heart that I report that a great friend and fellow sugar maker BRIAN IANSON passed away yesterday morning in Coudersport Pa. Some of you may know him as the family from the DVD" the sweetest drip" A wealth of knowledge has passed from us.

Jim Brown

11-23-2014, 09:13 AM
Have not been on this site in a week,just found out about Brians passing yesterday. Got all my equipment from him and he was a wealth of knowledge,and always had time to share it with you.Other friends in my area both bigger and hobbiest like me I am sure feel the same as me and consider him a good friend also. So to his wife Donna and the rest of his family my wife and I send our sympathy,may God Bless You. AS was said so well on this site "Maple syrup makers don't die they just Evaporate" Slammer

11-26-2014, 08:57 AM
Thanks for posting. Brian convinced me and several others that auto drawoffs would be good additions to our sugarhouses.
He was right!

11-26-2014, 03:44 PM
Sorry about Brian,had the pleasure of meeting him about 5 yrs ago,while on a hunting trip with Brad Gillian,also have his dvd.Brian was a great person,allowing us to hunt and even showed me the best spots,each night ,just before sundown,e would take me to his favorite spots to try to get me a shot at a penn.buck,he will be missed.

11-27-2014, 11:40 AM
I too mourn the loss of Brian. He has been a mentor to me for years. Though I was hesitent to expand to quickly he conviced me to jump in and enjoy. I will miss his gruff exterior and warm heart,but most of all I will miss our endless sessions in his kitchen deciding my next move and purchase.Good luck to you Donna and your family. God bless.