View Full Version : Deer gun season opens

maple flats
11-15-2014, 08:22 AM
This morning the gun season opened for NYS southern zone. I went out but returned home early. I've been nursing a bad cough for about 4 days. When I got out there I couldn't keep from coughing for more than maybe 5 minutes so I called it quits after about 45 minutes. I didn't think we have any deaf deer out behind the sugarhouse who travel alone and even if one was deaf but traveled with another deer they would not come in either. I decided I was just educating the deer and thus ruining my chances later in the season. Between gun season and black powder/archery late season I have til 4 weeks from tomorrow.

11-15-2014, 08:42 AM
Maybe the cough sounds like a grunt, brings them in looking for a fight. You never know... Hope you feel better.

11-15-2014, 09:55 AM
I know that must have been frustrating...but, get em next time. I went out too... had raked the trail to one of my stands ,days earlier, the walk in was nice and silent afterward, nice soft ground. Forgot about the freeze coming, and this AM it was as crunchy and loud as the leaves would have been. I'll have to get em later too.
Feel better!

maple flats
11-15-2014, 05:14 PM
Yea, it was nice and cold. We had 23 degrees F this morning and about 1" fresh snow. I did go back out this afternoon and did better as far as coughing, but didn't see anything. While we had 23 this morning, my tractor tracks leading out had not yet frozen, it must have not been that cold for long enough to freeze. When I walked in the snow covered leaves it did crunch for sure. I may try a different spot tomorrow if the wind is right.

red maples
11-16-2014, 05:37 AM
yeah I hate when that happens. We opened Wed. here in NH and VT opened yesterday as well. I was in VT yesterday trucks and cars park on the sides of the road all over the place.

11-16-2014, 06:16 AM
Just spent A week at Hunting camp myself, No Buck for me but my cousin got A 10 point that went 217, and yesterday my friend that owns the camp got a really odd fork horn that went 180 lbs, and that's full dressed nothing left inside, there was 6 of us at camp. Some years we have gotten as many as 5 bucks, but all in all it was a great week & a good time was had by all. Guess I'm going to have to get after some around the house here , good luck out there.

11-16-2014, 09:05 PM
I don't even want to talk about it. Never fun wounding an animal and not finding it...

11-16-2014, 10:55 PM
Gut a small fork horn yesterday afternoon, back to setting up the lines. Good luck to all

11-17-2014, 07:59 AM
I must smell real bad. Deer all over the place here. Scat everywhere. My wife sees them out back all the time. But if I sneak out there with a gun they are too **** smart for me. 6 mornings straight out there almost an hour before sunrise every day and I have not seen squat. Boo hoo. Maybe it's my snoring that is scaring them off, haha.

11-17-2014, 08:10 AM
Won't be any deer in our woods for a bit. Our logger is at it for the next week or so.

11-17-2014, 01:13 PM
Deer are not afraid of machines in the woods. We are in the middle of clearing 30 acres, and I've seen more deer this year than ever before. I was out fixing fence, the feller buncher was cutting about 200 yards away and there was a herd of does between us.

11-17-2014, 01:50 PM
yup, deer love to hear skidders and saws. be in there as soon as they leave for the day!

11-17-2014, 02:51 PM
We spent all day yesterday in the woods dropping trees and draggin logs out and filling cage tanks for the evaporator. Had a six when we started and he left to the field and returned a while later with a group of does. Just before dark they left. They never get bothered if we arenot walking around with a shotgun or rifle. They aint dumb ya know.

maple flats
11-17-2014, 05:41 PM
Won't be any deer in our woods for a bit. Our logger is at it for the next week or so.
The biggest doe I ever shot was with a muzzleloader hunt years ago. I was out hunting and heard my brother out cutting firewood so I went and gave him a hand. When he was done, he asked if I wanted a ride out on the trailer he had loaded. I said I'd just wait about 15-20 minutes and then walk back out a different way, which is how I had walked in. My brother with his tractor and trailer weren't gone 5 minutes when a huge doe (hanging weight 170#, the biggest I'd ever shot or seen for that matter) came to investigate, presumably looking for buds from the tops. I shot her and went to get my brother to return and carry the doe back out in his loader bucket. At other times, later in the winter we harvested lots of wood for the following year. We would drop several trees, trim the limbs and drag the tree length logs to a landing. Round trip out and back in was only about 6-8 minutes. Each time we returned there would usually be 5-8 deer feeding on the buds. As long as you know where you are safe to shoot, don't be afraid to hunt there, you may find it the best hunting you ever had. Just be 100% positive where you can and can't shoot, don't risk any accidental shootings.

Flat Lander Sugaring
11-18-2014, 04:45 AM
you guys still allowed to own guns in NY? Dont you guys have the "NY State Protect the Criminal act" Only criminals can own guns:)
out all weekend never saw a tail, but the VT deer management says there are thousands of deer in VT. I heard 20 shots all weekend and half where hail mary's. Years past shooting would be sporadic all day. one store close to me had 8 turned in by sunday afternoon.
Out of 7 guys who hunt the mountain a father & son saw 2 doe each and Im gonna guess it was the same two.

Wish some one from NH or NY would take over our deer management so we could have some real deer the idiots we have now dont know what they are doing.

11-18-2014, 06:23 AM
Flat lander, Come on down if you want deer. My middle son took the 1050 to load a cage up with a dead pine in one set of woods and there were two nice size older doe in the hay field 150' over the border, a nice spike bedded down just past there that we pushed out. On the other side of the road was the other deer.
There sont be any guns if Cumo moves forward with safe gun act II...register all firearms for $25 each and annual renewal at $15 each. Between all of mine it will be around $300 a year for me. KMA!

11-18-2014, 07:53 AM
The biggest doe I ever shot was with a muzzleloader hunt years ago. I was out hunting and heard my brother out cutting firewood so I went and gave him a hand. When he was done, he asked if I wanted a ride out on the trailer he had loaded. I said I'd just wait about 15-20 minutes and then walk back out a different way, which is how I had walked in. My brother with his tractor and trailer weren't gone 5 minutes when a huge doe (hanging weight 170#, the biggest I'd ever shot or seen for that matter) came to investigate, presumably looking for buds from the tops. I shot her and went to get my brother to return and carry the doe back out in his loader bucket. At other times, later in the winter we harvested lots of wood for the following year. We would drop several trees, trim the limbs and drag the tree length logs to a landing. Round trip out and back in was only about 6-8 minutes. Each time we returned there would usually be 5-8 deer feeding on the buds. As long as you know where you are safe to shoot, don't be afraid to hunt there, you may find it the best hunting you ever had. Just be 100% positive where you can and can't shoot, don't risk any accidental shootings.

I go out with the sit for a time in the morning, cut ,split or stack wood for a while then sit some more. Neither the deer or bears seem to mind people working in the woods around here. But the 'cub shooters' get real POed about it. ;-)

11-18-2014, 07:58 AM
I must smell real bad. Deer all over the place here. Scat everywhere. My wife sees them out back all the time. But if I sneak out there with a gun they are too **** smart for me. 6 mornings straight out there almost an hour before sunrise every day and I have not seen squat. Boo hoo. Maybe it's my snoring that is scaring them off, haha.

I do not go in the woods till I can see. Most of the wildlife activity takes place between 9AM and 11 AM anyway around here.

Thompson's Tree Farm
11-18-2014, 10:14 AM
Flat lander, Come on down if you want deer. My middle son took the 1050 to load a cage up with a dead pine in one set of woods and there were two nice size older doe in the hay field 150' over the border, a nice spike bedded down just past there that we pushed out. On the other side of the road was the other deer.
There sont be any guns if Cumo moves forward with safe gun act II...register all firearms for $25 each and annual renewal at $15 each. Between all of mine it will be around $300 a year for me. KMA!

You got a bill number on that proposal?

maple flats
11-18-2014, 07:04 PM
NY does in fact have a rather healthy herd, but that does not mean they are easy. In my blueberry fields I often see 7-8 deer, in one open field adjacent, but in 20 yrs of hunting there I've only gotten 2, while at the same time, on other property I get at least 1 every year and some years as many as 3.
I tend to think the deer population we enjoy is more related to the high numbers of failed family farms, that get over grown, creating ideal habitat to grow a bigger herd. We do have an opportunity to shoot several, regular tag, 1 buck, archery tag, 1 either, Muzzleloader tag 1 either, then initially 2 doe permits and after Nov. 1, up to 2 more doe permits in areas that were not sold out. After all that we can get 2 more doe permits from another licensee, we can legally get signed over up to 2 more max. Now If I could just stop coughing so I could shoot some.
Yes, NY does make it hard for non felons to fully enjoy our second amendment, enough said on that. We must stay out of politics and stupid laws on here.

11-18-2014, 09:32 PM
yup, deer love to hear skidders and saws. be in there as soon as they leave for the day!

Unfortunately our logger works til' dark.

Perhaps where you guys all live there are deer around loud equipment, but here, adjacent to 8000 acres of wilderness, they seem to keep their distance.

11-19-2014, 06:41 AM
stupid laws indeed

11-19-2014, 11:00 AM
Flats my oldest is a Morrisville State. I see what you mean by the plit of the family farm out there...I take SR 20 off of 88 and it is so depressing to see all these farms in rag weed. Gut just out side of Mville I saw the biggest 13 pointer I have ever seen. The antler attachment area looked like 2" tubing. He has been living in the swamp and feeding in the soybean, alafalfa, and corn for the year. A guy was telling me of the 260# that was harvested is smaller than this slammer is. To think I almost got him with the Explorer on my way home...what a waste that would have been. Honey and lemon juice for that cough; so you can get those road cleared. lol

maple flats
11-19-2014, 11:57 AM
How about maple and lemon juice?
I have 2 sons who work at Morrisville for MAC, (Morrisville Auxillary Corp.). One is a director of MAC and the other is the head computer specialist for MAC. If your oldest has a notebook computer thru MAC, they may well have dealt with one or both. The director is Rob Klish and the other is Brian Klish, small world EH?

11-19-2014, 08:13 PM
Raw honey has an anti bacterial property that is amazing. Should be in every sugar house. I had a nasty burn that was a few hours old. When we broke for lunch by buddy tossed me the jar of honey said put it on my hand. After lunch...maybe 30 minutes my hand didn't hurt and was no longer red and felt fine. Maybe a year later I tried it with store bought honey and all I had as a sticky mess and hurt like hell.

Funny thing is I don't like the taste of honey that much. lol

Small small world. Funny how everything happens for a reason.

11-20-2014, 02:48 AM
Now I got the cough, but even so was able to fill a doe tag. Had a nice buck lined up, safety off, finger beginning to squeeze the trigger when two things happened. First the tree I was using for support started swaying in the strong wind. Must have been only 1/4 inch sway or so, but that made the crosshairs really move. Second, my breath condensed on, and then froze on the scope glass, obscuring the view. I just had to smile and watch him walk away, this time.