View Full Version : Using a Steam Kettle For Value Adding

11-11-2014, 06:00 PM
In order to be able to ramp up my production of maple cream, candy and sugar, I am shifting to a different commercial kitchen. This new facility has a 40 gallon steam kettle and I am looking for advice from anyone that has used one for cooking syrup. I would like to be able to heat syrup to cream temp. then draw 5-10 gallons off to hotel pans to then place in the kitchen's flash chiller to then stir. Then, continue to heat up to sugar temp., but draw 1.5-3 gallons off for making candy, and then continue to heat to sugar temp.

In order to do this all effectively I will need to make candy while the syrup continues to heat. I can control the steam kettle temp. very easily and can even maintain a specific temp.

For people with steal kettle experience, do you do it this way or do you just heat one batch to the desired temp. and then turn all that syrup into one product?

11-12-2014, 05:07 AM
FOr cream I heat 15 to 20 gallons to temp, then draw off into 4 or 5 shallow pans to cool, then stir. For sugar you would have to make one batch then stir it. Holding it at temp. while you make your sugar will darken the syrup you are holding considerably. Been there, done that.

11-12-2014, 08:04 AM
Ok. Thanks Lew. That is what I suspected but was not sure having no experience with a steam kettle. For now, I will likely use the kettle for cream and continue doing 1.5 gallon batches of sugar on the stove top. Once I upgrade to a CDL sugar machine, then I should be able to use the kettle for everything.

03-17-2015, 06:13 PM
Talking about kettles would someone know what could be the evaporating rate of a 159 gallon steam kettle. I did ask a place
that sells them but they did not know. Myself I guessing maybe 5gph thinking it just a overgrown turkey cooker. Could I be right ?

Thanks Paul.