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View Full Version : Using last years' tubing

Too Tall
11-05-2014, 07:47 PM
Last year I had 20 taps on gravity tubing (5/16ths). This year I want to add additional trees which will change up my tubing route up the hill. Because of this change, none of the "T's" for my drops will line up with trees this year. Here's my question:

Can I just replace last years' "T's" with straight connectors - effectively making last years' tubing one long, straight line again?

Once I have this, I can run the line properly and put in "T's" where needed. Will this work? Or should I just buy a new roll or two of tubing?

Thanks for any advice.

11-05-2014, 08:10 PM
Since you are on a smaller scale operation I'm sure the straight connectors will work just fine. Unless you want to just buy a new roll of tubing set it all up with the new layout. Then cut up and use the lines from last year as your drop lines. Just my thoughts.

11-05-2014, 08:41 PM
Wash and soak the tubing first and then add in the connectors ad you will get a better production response than just adding in the connectors. Check with your supplier to see if they are offering the high flow connectors that have the larger orfice for better flow.

Too Tall
11-05-2014, 08:43 PM
Good to know. Didn't really want to spend much more money.

Also good to know there are high-flow connectors. I'll definitely look for them.