View Full Version : Boiling hotdogs

11-04-2014, 11:08 AM
Some were on this site I read that some one boiled hotdogs in the SAP when batch boiling. My question is can you do this with out messing with the syrup flavor?
I only make the syrup for family and never sell. And i would put the dogs in when the sap is half way to SYRUP .

11-04-2014, 11:25 AM
You are better off just trying it with a smaller batch of half way syrup. Take some out of your pan and put it in a smaller pot then drop in the hot dogs.
I heard a local farmer say his mother used to cook their dried beans in the maple sap.. I'm going to try that this season. Since the take 4-8 hours to cook.

Ryan August
11-04-2014, 01:05 PM
Hot dogs in the pan, done it, comes out well, have done it at various stages of sap/syrup. The kids like to see it done. Does not seem to impart any extra grease or flavor

11-04-2014, 01:06 PM
i know many sugar producers who boil there hot dogs in sap. I dont boil my dogs in my evaporator though bc i sell it to a bulk buyer and they dont want you too bc they want the syrup kosher. Now i just set up a turkey fryer start boiling the sap and throw in the dogs best thing you can do but really doesnt effect taste and the fat in the dogs keeps the syrup from bubbling up

11-04-2014, 01:07 PM
Old timers used to use pig fat instead of defoamer its the same thing but now they have all the organic certifications its a no no now

11-04-2014, 02:20 PM
My wife takes maple sap, partially boiled down out of my evap. and puts it in a crock pot with bratwurst,lets it set all day, it is soooo good!

11-04-2014, 08:00 PM
All good info i think i will try taking a little half done syrup out of the pan when the kids are present and put it on a hot plate in a pot and boil them this well be interesting for me and the kids thanks and may be some bratwurst!

11-04-2014, 08:30 PM
I was at a sugarhouse in vt a long time ago and they boiled sap dogs every day. Couple dozen at a time

11-05-2014, 11:37 AM
Sap dogs are great! I have never noticed any effect nor has anyone else who has tried my syrup. I only do natural casing dogs. No brats or anything with added spices or flavors.

11-05-2014, 01:45 PM
never done hot dogs, but I've done deer venison and it is really, really good!

11-07-2014, 12:07 AM
I have also done venison sausage really good

12-25-2014, 10:13 AM
We have tried this once we boiled about a dozen in the cooker (flat pan batch process). Hot dogs were great. Syrup came out cloudy and greasy looking even after we ran it through the cone filters. Syrup tasted same as always. We can all of ours in mason jars and there was a big difference. It was cloudy and greasy looking. So the last few years the joke at the sugarshack has been keep your wieners out of the sap.:evil:

RC Maple
12-26-2014, 09:07 AM
I'm not a huge hot dog fan to begin with. I know of others who like to boil hot dogs in the sap as they are making syrup. I always imagined it would have to affect the final product in SOME way. Most of ours ends up in plastic jugs but the first container out of every batch goes in a glass jar so I can see how it is keeping. I think I would regret it if a whole batch looked cloudy and greasy. I can see the wisdom in "keeping your wieners out of the sap". A friend of mine got us started on another tradition though - he brought over some sandies - Keebler makes them and he had us dunking those in the soon to be drawn off syrup side of the pan. We always have a bag of those in the sugarhouse and most of the regular visitors look forward to doing that. It is also a must for any of the first time visitors.

01-03-2015, 07:23 PM
Sap dogs!
Actually, despite the name I've never had one. But I am awfully partial to sap tea during the boil. Going to have to try that venison sausage though- tcross, you have the right idea!

01-04-2015, 07:31 AM
I wouldn't let a food inspector see the hotdogs in there....at least for those Canadian sugar producers who are federally registered through CFIA. You may have a lot of syrup removed from your inventory.

01-05-2015, 04:43 AM
our neighbor tried the hot dog boil one year about 40 years ago its never been done again!!! neighbor got that batch of syrup tasted like hot dogs different pot or NONE for me!!

01-06-2015, 05:26 AM
I think i will stick with taking a pan full out of my batch and put it on a hot plate in the shack and boil them in the half done syrup and either throw the syrup out or bring it down past syrup and toss it on some snow for the kids . i think most of you sappers are correct the syurp would have a film in it and would hate to ruin a batch thanks

01-06-2015, 06:30 AM
We have Boiled Eggs & Hot dogs in the past when we didn't sell the syrup, I never noticed anything in the finished syrup, even the glass always looked great, I wouldn't do it now that we are selling it to consumers,that's just one of many things to consider when you go from a hobby-hobby, to a hobby that is trying to pay for itself. We also used to use evaporated milk for defoamer but I use atmos defoamer now. I guess the point is if your doing it for fun throw a couple hot dogs in a batch if you want to. Its not going to hurt anyone.

01-06-2015, 11:05 AM
Hu never thought about the egg thats a good idea (cold coors light and a hard boiled egg )