View Full Version : Trying to fund evaporator purchase.

11-04-2014, 09:38 AM
We took over the old family farm last summer. Of course the whole place needs a lot of work. We did manage to save the old sugar house after moving it a couple hundred yards to get it back onto our property. There are a plenty of galvanized buckets and spouts. The arch and pans however are completely shot. We are hoping to get the funds together to purchase a used evaporator set-up. Visit this link to see our story and contribute if you can.

11-04-2014, 10:57 PM
Really? This is what's wrong with most of Americans thought process these days. Sounds like you want to do a fun family spring tradition, that's awesome! Expecting complete strangers to fund it for you, that's welfare. I can't fathom asking complete strangers for money especially when it's not even needed to survive. Perhaps you build a cheap small setup (block arch and flat pan can probably be done for less than$200) and live within your means until you can afford to spend some more money on it. This could be a great time to educate your young children on spending on a budget and that you can't always have everything that you need. I'm not trying to make what your doing sound horrible but look at this on a bigger scale hear on election night. Good luck on your venture.

11-05-2014, 05:55 AM
I tend to agree with jmayerl you shouldnt look for welfare. There's a lot of people on this site and in general with much less than you. How many acres is the farm? I don't want to deter you from sugaring but I think your going to be on and should be on a block arch like most newcomers. Is the old unit possibly repairable for a few years? Could you find someone local with a used unit and make payments? I'd go all other options before asking for others to work and give me the fruit of their labors.

11-05-2014, 08:18 AM
I had to read this several times to see if I understood right. You have enough nerve to ask others to give you money for something you are "choosing" to do!!? This is unbelievable. Anything else you want? Maybe to make your mortgage payments,a new vehicle,possibly some new furniture? Might you not get the idea that most people WORK for what they "want"? Boy this started my day off. Great thing to teach your kids. Ask for something and wait for someone else to get it for you.

11-05-2014, 08:52 AM
Hmmmm?? You live in Vermont? This is certainly not a very "Vermonter" type of thing to do... much less expect! Dignity??? Pride??? This is how I see a lot of children being raised or had been raised... and quite frankly... it scares me!

11-05-2014, 09:24 AM
Have to agree with the rest of replies. I paid for all my sugaring. I also feel the same way about the energy grants. You're welcome. I helped pay for your stuff too....

11-05-2014, 09:44 AM
Perhaps I didn't give enough information. The idea is to create a community operation where friends and neighbors bring whatever sap they gather to the sugar house and we all boil together. I was not intending for strangers to contribute, just reaching out to people in my own community, several of which use this forum. Each persons who contributes would be a sort of shareholder and be able to get syrup each year. Sorry for getting you all so fired up.

11-05-2014, 10:09 AM
I had the same thoughts as pretty much everyone so far, this unfortunately the nature of most of society today, people looking for A hand out, I'm sure he is a nice Fellow & I'm sure he has nice kids & its great that he is going to Work the family farm, but I think its A little ridiculous to ask people to help pay for stuff like this. Sure he has good intentions but try saving for a few years, maybe cut back on some wasteful spending, other things you like to do, that's called a sacrifice, maybe work some odd jobs. Remember it's Life, Liberty, & the "Pursuit" of Happiness.

11-05-2014, 10:18 AM
Perhaps I didn't give enough information. The idea is to create a community operation where friends and neighbors bring whatever sap they gather to the sugar house and we all boil together. I was not intending for strangers to contribute, just reaching out to people in my own community, several of which use this forum. Each persons who contributes would be a sort of shareholder and be able to get syrup each year. Sorry for getting you all so fired up.

If thats the case, invite neighbors for some hot dogs, let the kids run around, crack open some cold ones and pitch your idea face to face. Dont get me wrong, I love technology and I applaud your interest in sugaring but theres not enough face time and handshakes anymore in society. Knock on some doors and get to know people in person not a website.


11-05-2014, 10:34 AM
Do not laugh to loud! He already has $450 for the cause. Who would have guest?

11-05-2014, 05:08 PM
I agree with other comments in the sense that this is likely not an appropriate "forum" for requesting crowd source funding for a project like this. It is not surprising that folks would find it distasteful, especially when the OP has only 4 posts to date on this forum. I participate in several online forums and this kind of "request" for money is generally frowned upon unless it is more of a charity type project which this clearly is not. Promoting your own business is especially disliked on one forum I frequent (unless it is done by a long time member and contributor) and when it happens the forum community responds quickly with ridicule and harsh disrespect for the poster. That forum however is very different from this one in terms of the "maturity" level of the participants, so I won't share the specific nature of the typical responses.

I think Maplewalnut sums it up well in suggesting that the community that will be involved and will benefit from this project should be the ones funding it. Or, perhaps approach some local maple producers regarding obtaining some used equipment, or approach an equipment manufacturer about a charitable donation for the project. If the OP had come here looking for advice or ideas regarding funding this project, and perhaps the thread title was misleading for some, I'm sure it would have been received very differently. Facebook and twitter are probably better avenues for sharing this type of thing, not a forum of enthusiasts.

That said, I do find myself bothered by some of the responses posted here. Perhaps folks are not familiar with this type of fundraising that is becoming more and more common for projects like this. I'm sure it's also the nature of an internet forum and not a face to face interaction. Personally, I think there is a big difference between receiving welfare and asking for a charitable donation for a project that has some value in a community. Suggesting that this request is "what is wrong with America" or some kind of hand out, or not like a Vermonter seems pretty extreme and inappropriate to me. We all have different perspectives, opinions and beliefs, but sharing them in every situation is not always necessary or productive. The tendency to first attack or criticize someone online seems all too common, and perhaps sometimes it is better to just not respond, or to just respectfully say this is not an appropriate place for this kind of request. I personally think this may be one of those times.

11-05-2014, 05:22 PM
Well said GeneralStark.

11-05-2014, 06:10 PM
Oh wait, let me get my checkbook, you don't mind taking a check do you?

Are you kidding??
Get a life. Teaching your kids to let others pay for your hobbies? Very nice. Why not set an example and teach them how to improvise, adapt and overcome..... Teach them how to be presented with a problem or situation and find a solution. Unless of course you would rather teach them the other way. You could drop them off in town and let them panhandle or you could hold a sign on the median strip....
Even better that you put pictures of your kids out there...

I started with a 55g barrel(scavenged at a local diesel repair shop), a barrel stove kit(50.00), stove pipe from the hardware store and a used steam table pan off craigslist. I don't believe I spent 200.00 all told and made 6 gallons I think. My 5 year old son helped me put it all together and quickly became quite knowledgeable about it all.

Gotta say, this takes the cake....

11-05-2014, 07:01 PM
I have to say that my response may have been a bit harsh and miss guided, I guess it just struck a nerve, didn't intend to hurt anyone's feelings, I guess I am just not to fond of this type of fundraising, I get raising money for Cancer patients or disabled children or veterans or people who have lost there homes, but I can't wrap my head around this type of request, but like the General said maybe it would be best to keep that opinion to myself. Which I respect that point, but than again who is supposed to speak up on issues like this one. I don't know the Answer, but again no hard feelings, hope the community sugaring is a big success.

Flat Lander Sugaring
11-06-2014, 06:12 PM

That said, I do find myself bothered by some of the responses posted here. Perhaps folks are not familiar with this type of fundraising that is becoming more and more common for projects like this. I'm sure it's also the nature of an internet forum and not a face to face interaction. Personally, I think there is a big difference between receiving welfare and asking for a charitable donation for a project that has some value in a community. Suggesting that this request is "what is wrong with America" or some kind of hand out, or not like a Vermonter seems pretty extreme and inappropriate to me. We all have different perspectives, opinions and beliefs, but sharing them in every situation is not always necessary or productive. The tendency to first attack or criticize someone online seems all too common, and perhaps sometimes it is better to just not respond, or to just respectfully say this is not an appropriate place for this kind of request. I personally think this may be one of those times.[/QUOTE]

Thank You General

11-06-2014, 08:20 PM
We get these every couple years. This isn't the place for it. This is one of the new ways of farming I guess. But overall I don't agree with the premise.

11-07-2014, 12:03 AM
These must be the two thirds that didn't vote. They were standing in line waiting for a handout.......Sell scrap do odd jobs work some overtime,like most of the people did on this site to get going

11-07-2014, 06:02 AM
I'm still wanting to hear how many acres he owns and the situation with the old evaporator...

11-07-2014, 06:39 AM
This is going to be my last post on this. Most of the people here have started from the ground up. Using sub par equipment for many years, looking for trees and investing heavily in equipment. Using personal money that was saved and frugal spending on other comforts or luxuries. That is why you got the responses you did when asking for people here to donate to your family operation instead of investing in their own families operation. None or very few of us are wealthy, we make maple syrup because we love to sugar. The members of this website are experienced, friendly, kind people. Everyone here loves to sugar, local member help each other with tubing or firewood in that end of season pinch. We all see your predicament and would be willing to give advice on your current evaporator, buying a new evaporator or any part of your families/communities sugaring operation. I'm not and I'm betting no one from here is going to write you a check. We would however all be pleased to have you as a member of this community.

11-07-2014, 06:41 AM
Hey its better than the guy who was selling hot items on here and to Bascoms.

Amber Gold
11-07-2014, 08:44 AM
Ditto what General said.