View Full Version : Vote for dad!!!!

Clarkfield Farms
11-03-2014, 09:38 AM
No, my Dad isn't running for any political office, his run in this life ended when he died yesterday afternoon. What I AM asking for is this:

My father never missed a single opportunity to vote in his entire lifetime spanning 96+ years, and he was very quiet about it, never said who he was voting for but given his rock-solid character and the nowadays relatively large difference between the candidates, there was never any doubt regarding his choice.

He never got to vote in this election. He applied, from the Siegenthaler Hospice Center, for an absentee ballot so that he could make his choice known.

It didn't arrive until today.

So, when I ask you to "vote for Dad," I'm asking you to vote in memory of him and for all those who can't vote tomorrow, for whatever reason. I don't care how you vote. I just ask that you vote your conscience, and that you know WHY you believe WHAT you believe.

Either way, VOTE. A man on his deathbed thought it to be his essential duty in serving this country, surely that's a good enough reason for any of us able-bodied men and women as a bare minimum to preserve (or retake) our freedom.

Dad used to say: "BAH! Don't believe that Freedom is EVER bought... it NEVER HAS BEEN. Freedom is rented, and the rent comes due every single day. Whether we're here or not, the price has to be paid." He's not here anymore. You and I - ARE.

And the rent is due again... will you pay it?

This message not paid for by anyone at all. Yet...

Thank you, on behalf of my Dad.

- Tim

11-03-2014, 11:57 AM
Sounds like a man of great character. So many people are filled with apathy today that it is refreshing to hear your Dad's strong convictions about our civic duty. Condolences to you and your family. We are looking forward to voting tomorrow. Jim

Bucket Head
11-03-2014, 02:28 PM

I am very sorry to hear about your father. My condolences to you and your wife, and the rest of your family.


Thad Blaisdell
11-03-2014, 04:39 PM
So sorry to hear you lost your father.

This reminds me of this saying "if 99% of the people voted the 1% wouldn't matter"

maple flats
11-03-2014, 05:42 PM
The world lost a great man. While I never met him, I feel I knew him quite well from working beside you that first maple season we met, when you essentially worked for next to nothing, just to learn what doesn't work.
My prayers go out for his soul, may he rest in peace.
I will vote for your dad, as I have done every election since I turned 18.

11-03-2014, 07:33 PM
I would be lying if I said I never missed A vote, sometimes it's hard when you keep getting out voted by the Leach's of society, but I will be voting Tomorrow and I will remember your Dad when I do, sounds like he was a great man, sry for your loss

11-03-2014, 08:56 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. I had an opportunity to take a trip to Maryland with my mother in law so she could ride in a car to see my sister in law and her family. I did not confirm this until last Thursday. However Ion Friday I was able to make it to my Town Office to vote as I felt there were a few candidates who I wanted my vote to matter for. as much ask believe my candidates are the best choice, I live in an area where I am likely a minority, but my input should still count and I did my part, just like your Father did. Best of luck to you and your family.
