View Full Version : Candy Troubleshooting

10-13-2014, 07:43 PM
Could someone point me to a resource for candy quality control and troubleshooting?

Some of my pieces are blotchy with dark and light areas - different from the white parts. I also have the usual white areas. It seems hit or miss why some pieces and batches look like show quality, but others in the same batch or mold have uneven coloring.

I'd like to get at the causes of this to get a better handle on it, whether it's the way they cool or how it is poured, etc. The Cornell sheets and the Maple Manual have tons of detail on how to make the candy, but nothing on quality control.


Moser's Maple
10-13-2014, 08:46 PM
are you using machine or doing it by hand??

10-14-2014, 08:33 PM
I'm using a machine.

10-14-2014, 09:09 PM
What % of your pieces are uneven? How long, or to what temp. are you letting the cooked syrup cool before running it through the machine? What grade of syrup are you using?

I find that there are many factors that can lead to inconsistent candy appearance, but the two most common factors for me are humidity (high humidity leads to more defects), and letting the heated syrup cool a bit too long.

Invert sugar can be another factor but if you are using light syrup that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

I always end up with some defects with every 1.5 gallon batch, about 5-10%, mostly related to operator error. These I sell as 2nds at the farmer's market for a reduced price. They taste just as good so people love them as they are getting a deal. :)

Moser's Maple
10-14-2014, 09:16 PM
whites spots are normally caused by different temps in the candy as they cool. this most of the time happens when the candy isn't stirred evenly. depending on the size of your batch can also play a role in inconsistencies. what I would recommend is when making candy the next time take note of at what point of your batch that your candy is coming out to the consistency that you desire, and if possible get a temp reading of the syrup at this point of aggitation. youu may find out that you have start making candy when the syrup is hotter, or cooler.

10-16-2014, 09:25 PM
As was said, try to keep working on the the stirring time and the amount in the auger. Even after you have made tons of candy you can still have factors to deal with like having to add a lot of syrup to get the auger back under control. Also if you set the auger valve to a desired flow and leave it vs. Opening and closing each cavity can impact the stirring time. Most times your bad ones and crumbs just go back into the next batch.

red maples
10-19-2014, 09:00 AM
consistency is key no matter how your making the candy by hand or by machine. Over cooking or under cooking the syrup and over or under mixing will cause the candy to "dry out" and you will get wet spots (darker spots) or dry spots ( white spots) I am no expert and I do mine by hand because simply I can do candy as fast a machine and with the same consistency. (and I can't afford a machine yet ) although I have used a machine before and you really need to have a steady flow from the pig to auger to not allow the syrup to over or under mix which will take practice consistent air temp is also another factor. if your making candy and its 80* F the syrup will cool slower or if you doing it at 60* its gonna cool pretty quickly and could throw you off from the first to last tray.

Like someone else said too the level of ivert sugars can be an issue too. which will effect how quickly the mixing time/temp and crystalization go together.

Hope that helped a little probably not but I think everything taken into consideration helps a little.