View Full Version : Mountain man single handedly kills maple industry

10-08-2014, 11:35 PM
I was watching TV with my son yesturday and came acrossed a show called the Legend of Mick Dodge. It seems like hes a man running around the pacific north west seeing what kind of trouble he can get into and out of. I wasnt much interested until i heard him say he was heading to his maple grove. So after an adventure getting to his grove he finds a large maple (so he called it) and dives into a hole under it waist deep and retreives a bag of tapping supplies. I was pretty excited at this point to see what he was going to do. He pulls out an old brace and drills a hole in the tree an smacks what looks like pipe into a tree. Im still alright with this but what happens next is the kicker. He puts a small ceramic pot under the tap and takes a several hour nap. When he wakes up he has a pint of (you probably guessed it ) maple syrup. Now how the heck am i supposed to sell my syrup for XX.XX a gallon now that everybody knows its a tap, a ceramic jug and a 2 hour nap that produced it for them?????


lakeview maple
10-09-2014, 06:43 PM
That's what Im doing wrong , the whole nap thing, I am so bringing a couch and a flat screen to the sugarhouse this year, think how much time Ill save by not burning any wood!!!!! I really need one of those clay pots too, I had better let Flatlander know he is wasting time with all the improvements he has done .LOL

10-10-2014, 08:27 AM
Now you have found the secret behind the new wave of shows on the box now. My wifes cousin is Tuffy of Cabin Kings...We know him well and help each other out. Watch one of the building wild epesoides and look at the landscape. Notice how grass is newly seeded and six inches high in a week. Leaves go from green to past peak in a week.
These shows are designed for the low information crowd. For the rest of us they are kinds like a find Waldo game...see how many time lapse, oopses, or other things that cant happen in a weeks time.

Entertainment, not true reality is what people want to see now....they cant handle reality!

Our video at the county fair had several people learning that you don't harvest syrup from a tree...One wanted to buy the clear syrup????

You just got to laugh!

10-11-2014, 04:17 AM
I saw the show too...was looking forward to seeing him boil it down n such...NOT..LOL
The show surly screwed up if ya ask me!

Flat Lander Sugaring
10-11-2014, 11:26 AM
That's what Im doing wrong , the whole nap thing, I am so bringing a couch and a flat screen to the sugarhouse this year, think how much time Ill save by not burning any wood!!!!! I really need one of those clay pots too, I had better let Flatlander know he is wasting time with all the improvements he has done .LOL

well guess im calling leader Tuesday cancelling my new 2x6 revolution with max flue, steam away, blowers, inferno arch and give all the money back to the USDA so they can give EBT cards out so coke and candy bars can be bought by the welfare rats, all I need are sugarhill jugs and new grading kit.:lol:

lakeview maple
10-11-2014, 06:30 PM
LOL , your killing me Flats let me know how that works for you, maybe you need to ask the grandfather tree which one gives out the syrup without boiling!!!

Flat Lander Sugaring
10-13-2014, 05:22 AM

comments below video pretty funny but dont let your kids read them