View Full Version : Mapping Trails in the Sugar Bush

10-04-2014, 05:38 AM
I would like to map the trails in our forest and would appreciate information on how to go about it. I.E. GPS tools, software...

maple flats
10-04-2014, 07:30 AM
Try this program: http://www.gpsvisualizer.com It can do many things. While I have not used it to map (I made my own hand sketch) I used it for lots of data help. The biggest one I used was the elevation tool for laying out my wet/dry and sloping my mains. You can either enter the GPS coordinates or use the sat. view and click on a spot on the map. If you do that, go to the greatest magnification. Doing that I was able to ID old stone fences which helped considerably. This is a free program but they do ask for a donation if you are willing to send a few bucks. They do not ask via email, only when you open the site.

10-04-2014, 07:46 AM
Dave; Thanks for pointing me to the gpsvisualizer site. I will be sure to check it out.

What I am envisioning to map our trails is having a device in my hand and walking our trails. The device would allow me to take coordinates at any point on the trail. When back at my computer I would transfer the coordinates to software which would create the map.

10-04-2014, 08:51 AM
Dave; Thanks for pointing me to the gpsvisualizer site. I will be sure to check it out.

What I am envisioning to map our trails is having a device in my hand and walking our trails. The device would allow me to take coordinates at any point on the trail. When back at my computer I would transfer the coordinates to software which would create the map.

What do you have for a cell phone? There are many apps for the iphone available. I haven't quite hit on the one that does what I want in the sugarbush. For instance I have an app (Equitrail) that maps my horse ride as I ride that I used in the sugarbush by walking I haven't figured out how to get more than one on the same map. I have another called Planimeter which you can use to pin points and measure areas and distances works great for measuring acreage. You can pin each tree, but it draws lines connecting them. I just got one yesterday that I have not tried yet called Pin Drop I was thinking it might work for marking trees. I am still searching for the right one that will map everything. I have a map I made by saving a google map image and importing it into excel then drew in my lines each a different color and labeled them with the # of taps. The lines are close, but not perfect doing it this way. Now obviously if you got the GPS points you could draw it in, but who wants to do that?

10-04-2014, 11:42 AM
Garmin 60CSX These are the units NYS snow clubs use to map the over 12000 miles of snow trails in the state. From there data the trails can be converted to any mapping program you desire. Delorme Topo can be added to a goggle map and have your trail on a real life aerial pic. The units have a good internal antenna system to work off of the WASS system of satalites in a full canopy of maples.

From the delorme program you can utilize several tools to adjust the data of multiple trails to connect segments to make one trail, to map your entire tubing system, etc.

There are less expensive systems, but less expensive don't do what these units can or have over the last ten years I have used the 60CSX in mapping snow trails, maple lines, checking fence distances, mapped running courses for the soccer team, etc. I have an additional source that can be shared that teaches how to setup the unit to map snow trails.

Units are available from ebay used. Currently as low as .99 but usually sell in the $165 area. You will not need exteral antenna on these units, I run on batteries as the cold of winter shortens their life. They hook well to atv, sleds, tractors, or just in a pocket...chest pocket gives best reception. Can use a cord to power of 12v.

Ask any questions as to what you want to do I have run this unit for over ten and a Magellan for two years. While Magellan was a more easily used unit it didn't have the software available then.


10-04-2014, 11:50 AM
If looking to mark each individual tree this is simple with the 60 CSX each tree can be flagged with one of several color flags and tagged as an individual number or another id of your choice.
Each lateral is able to be ID separately and can be color coded. The options are nearly infinite.


10-04-2014, 11:58 AM
Garmin 60CSX These are the units NYS snow clubs use to map the over 12000 miles of snow trails in the state. From there data the trails can be converted to any mapping program you desire. Delorme Topo can be added to a goggle map and have your trail on a real life aerial pic. The units have a good internal antenna system to work off of the WASS system of satalites in a full canopy of maples.

Ben; Just to assure I am understanding, the Garmin 60CSX unit will allow me to walk our trails or boundaries, stop and it will record coordinates at each stop point and I can transfer the coordinates to map software to create a map. Correct?

Which software do you recommend?

K.I. Joe
10-04-2014, 12:49 PM
Delormes GPS's come with mapping software and allow you to walk the trail and make a "track" and then go back to you computer and upload the track to your mapping software. I have done it many times. You can also set the time interval on the track to record a point every second or two or five. The longer the interval the less accurate but the longer it is before the track log is full.

10-04-2014, 03:58 PM
We don't use the Mapsource software much as it would not convert to ARC View for NYS. It does work for tasks like tappers will need. But if you want more there is more tools available.

FG, yes you can do that....or you can mark a waypoint at the point or corner location. While walking it measures your distance, direction of travel, eta, etc. For snow trails we have to waypoint every: bridge, culvert, & We are set to drop a dot every 50'. Doesn't matter if you are walking of going 55 MPH every 50'.

Soon each groomer will have a GPS installed fro grooming logs and mileage.

Very good units. I like the Delorme Topo mapping software. I have 7 and 10.0. 10 is much better. You can see the slope of your trail...mainlines on a graph window.

Send me a PM and I will send you our GPS handbook. It is in word 70 pages and will help you set up a 60 series unit. The X model is color and direction and barometer included. This is a big plus in a groomer in snow storms but not so important for doing maple.

If will give you coor pics of screen views. Great units. You can aso buy a larger card to expand the memory for more track points. We don't use time track points as distance consistency is more accurate for mapping snow trails than time as speed changes.


10-04-2014, 03:58 PM
The Smartrek program works good for mapping lines or anything else. It puts the lines right on google map as you walk. They let me download it to try it out, works on Android phones or tablets. I ended buying the vacuum transmitters after seeing how good a program it was.


01-21-2015, 07:55 AM
My kids use an App called Strava for tracking their bike rides. It also can be used for a variety of other sports. Available on both i-phone and android, and supports third party (Garmin) GPS uploads.

We walked all the trails in our woods and plotted the results. A little computer wizardry later and I had a complete trail map of our woods.