View Full Version : Ny article 20-c

10-01-2014, 12:44 PM
Does anyone have any experience applying for, getting inspected for and approved for article 20-C, licensing of food processing establishments? In reading http://www.agriculture.ny.gov/FS/industry/04circs/maplesyrupansugarCIR947.htm, it is clear that once someone purchases syrup for repackaging, this license is required in NY.

If you have gone through it, any tips or feedback on the process? Does anyone know of any good checklists for preparing for this inspection or consultants who help with the process?

Thanks in advance,


10-02-2014, 05:23 AM
I want to look into it, the best advice I got when asking others was to call Ag and markets. I am trying to find out about the home processors exemption so I can make maple nuts and maple mustard.

10-02-2014, 11:24 AM
Dana, I just spoke with Ag & Markets. If you are not adding anything to the maple syrup then you are exempt. BUT if you add anything like other sugar products or other food products then you will have to file the application for the license. call 800-554-4501. You will get transferred several times and finally sent to an inspector. It is helpful if you have the website open as one person I spoke with contradicted the web site and then transferred me on. They were very pleasant to work with and it took all of 15 minutes.

In another thread there as a checklist for another state. When we remodeled last year I followed that checklist. I will need to reseal my concrete floor with a second coat as I hear that it takes two coats now, not one. I still need to hook up a tankless hot water unit to have running hot water at 180 degrees.

I am fortunate as our sugar house is the basement of a metal building. The all concrete walls was easy to seal and make washable. Metal panels on the ceiling was easy, and the enclosed light fixtures in water proof switches was easy to get at HD. Still working on getting all work surfaces to SS; but since we are currently not under a timeline as of yet, I can look for the perfect used equipment at a good price.

In the site it does say not exempt if repackaging but the inspector said that if you repackage and do not add anything to the pure maple product you are exempt due to the amount of heat required. The issue with maple nuts is allergy concerns. I can no longer eat dinner in the sugar house. I totally was caught of guard two years back by this but last winter my sons GF was diagnosed with 14 food allergies. Soy is every where and adding soy oil to the syrup as a defoamer can give her a reaction. No cats or dogs in the sugar house either. We screwed the windows closed since they don't have screens on them. The list goes on and on.

Check out: Maple Syrup Quality Control Manual, Bulletin #7038 from the state of Maine. It has some good recommendations to follow... but many on here will flip over the tubing washing recommendation.

Good Luck!


10-02-2014, 11:43 AM

Thank you very much. I have spoken to ag and markets much as you describe but it sounds like you made excellent progress. I actually received a different answer on the repackage syrup but I think a key difference is the origin of the syrup you repackage. If it is your own, no issue, if you purchase it from someone else, it requires 20-C registration according to the inspector I spoke to. I like the answer you received better but am not certain which answer is correct. I guess I will call as you did. Can you point me to the thread on this site that you mention where there is a checklist from another state?



10-02-2014, 02:26 PM
So Sorry I have searched and cant find anything. I remember comparing the difference between organic and conventional...rather surprising differences on collection.
Ieven search my documents in case I saved it....and for some reason I did not??? It was last fall I think.

Actuall Dr Tim might have a source for a checklist. The list referenced everything right down to the material of the skimmer, type of thermometer used...or not, etc.

Keeping records of last time all tanks, evap, utensils were washed and times the evap was drained.

It was really good and that is why I am surprised I didn't save it.

Hang tight one of the guys/gals will find it.


happy thoughts
10-02-2014, 04:05 PM
Breezy- Not sure if this is what you're looking for but that sounds like the material I've seen from the Ontario Ag dept under "Food Safety Practices for the Production of Maple Syrup" It's available online in four parts in pdf format. I think Chapter 3 has checklists like the ones you mentioned. Even if it's not what yopu're looking for it's still worth taking a look at for the tons of info and record keeping forms.

You can download it here:


Moser's Maple
10-02-2014, 05:06 PM
I have been told many times if you are repacking you NEED! a 20c. the reason is this is not your product, and was not manufactured at your facility. the same goes for others many your confections for you. if you are not processing then you need a 20c. if you sell on the internet you need a 20c, the home use exception does not apply.
got an email from NYSMPAA today, and according to them you also have to sign up for FDA also
NYS Maple
To 'Helen Thomas' Today at 9:56 AM
Dear members,
You may have received the email below, and/or a similar looking document in the US MAIL. SOME FACTS:
1. Any food maker in the US is required to register with the FDA. Yes, maple syrup is considered a food. You may remember this subject being first covered in the PIPELINE and via email 2 years ago. This notice concerns the same topic: FDA FSMA.. The registration expires every 2 years and must therefore be renewed every 2 years between Oct 1 and Dec 31. TIME FLIES! Those of you who registered have received this notice because it has been 2 years and is time to re-register. If you have not yet registered, the FDA Regulations say you should. You can register/re-register at this link:
· Online registration guide and registration: http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FoodFacilityRegistration/ucm2006832.htm OR Registration information for registration by paper (mail or fax): http://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FoodFacilityRegistration/ucm073728.htm#fax

10-02-2014, 07:06 PM
This is the VT Voluntary Certification cehcklist. Perhaps this is what Breezy is referring to :
