View Full Version : wood stoves

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-03-2014, 07:34 PM
ok looking for people who have a hell of a lot more experience than me with wood stoves. I'm looking at two different wood stoves, one in the Blaze King princess and the other is a enerzone 3.4 . Does any one on here have experience with either one of these stoves. One has a cat and the other is like a gasification unit with AOF. One dealer is 65 miles away and the other is 30 miles. the guy who does service for the second company lives in my town.

09-03-2014, 07:53 PM
I would personally stay away from a stove with a cat. I know the technology has improved, but it is more complicated than an aof stove, and as the cat plugs the performance drops.

I have a Hearthstone with AOF and have been very impressed with it.

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-03-2014, 08:45 PM
Where about did the you get yours? The dealer 30 miles from me carry hearth stones

09-03-2014, 08:57 PM
I got mine through the Chimney Sweep in Shelburne. I was able to score a factory second stove with a minor cosmetic defect. They have a big factory sale every August, but the store often has seconds on stock. Mine is the Tribute.

They are not cheap stoves, but definitely worth the price IMO. Very well built and a VT company. I was also able to take advantage of a federal tax credit. Not sure if that is still available.

09-04-2014, 04:19 PM
I have a Hearthstone Heritage as well. Been burning with it for 7 years , great stove , heats the whole house , and burns very little wood compared to those old stoves. I heat 1800 square feet 24/7 and on a normal winter in mid michigan I use about 2-3 cords. I will say this , you must use well seasoned wood . I'm a good 8 years ahead so don't think you can fell an oak in the spring and burn it that winter. It won't work.
These have combustion tubes on top, no blower , but when the stove is up to temp it looks like a gas flame shooting out and no smoke outside at all.

I wouldn't hesitate buying a Woodstock stove, friend has one and is a great stove. He gets some longer burner times with the cat. I believe Woodstock is making a hybrid stove as well, maybe take a look ?