View Full Version : sap guzzler

08-27-2014, 06:53 AM
Im looking into the sap guzzler that the maple guys sell and i was wondering if they r better than a regular vac pump? Can u hook more than one mainline to them and r they strong enough to run a 6' sap ladder?

08-27-2014, 10:32 AM
We ran a guzzler type from Goodrich Maple...Sap Puller 100 for the last two years. The first year we installed it about 1 week into the season so we left the tubing set up for gravity. Definitely an increase in sap. This past year I changed all tubing to 5-7 taps per lateral, 1" mainline, and everal 3/4" lateral mains. Some tubing laterals had three and there are one or two with 8 or 9 taps. HUGE increase this year. We also ran the puller overnight. I would fill the generator in the woods about about 7-8 am and then again 4-5 pm and finally at 8-9 pm for the overnight (I used the 8-9 pm to see if things were frozen and if they were I shut it down). Early in both seasons I found the vacuum between 10 and 15 inches. I found the failing taps and holes and the vacuum jumped to 25"+. We had been reusing taps for many years. I replaced most last year. I will replace the rest this year.

Moving on to full vacuum...that's the direction we are going this year. We have conduit run to the sugar house for power and will have the electrician run the wire in the next few weeks. We bought a vacuum and releaser at CDL's open house this year. We are going to add about 150-175 taps over a 1000' 1" mainline to the system.

There are about 50-75 taps we could gain with a ladder this year. I am going to be researching that and likely doing it next year once we know the new vacuum is running properly. I don't know enough to build or trouble shoot a ladder and deal with a whole new vacuum. Being laid up since January with a torn rotator cuff has severely limited my abilities and I don't expect to be back to work until October this year.

I am pretty confident in saying a guzzler or puller does not carry CFMs which is needed to run a ladder. Like I said above I don't know much about ladders, but I think a full vacuum is needed.

Research some of my posts from this past spring. I think we ran 600' 1" main and about 800' 3/4" main laterals. The vacuum took a bit of time to build, but it was consistent at 25" and would range from 20-27". I used two gauges..one at the puller and one at the highest point. A guzzler is worth the investment in my experience. We did have to buy a generator as the lowest point in the orchard because we had no power. We looked at the battery deal, but hauling multiple batteries into the woods was difficult. Let me know if you need anymore information.

Good Luck,
