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View Full Version : WF Mason 2x4 XL

Urban Sugarmaker
06-12-2014, 10:00 AM
I'm getting back in to sugaring and I am close to buying Bill Mason's 2x4 XL. It has 4 sections and reverse flow capability. Can anyone tell me if it's worth spending several hundred extra for the features that this evaporator has? I am planning on a minimum of 60 taps for 2015.


06-12-2014, 03:25 PM
Well, I will tell you what I was told when starting out...there will always be more trees next year, no matter what you say now...so plan ahead...my grandfather always taught me that there are two ways to do anything in the sugar house...the right way and again...so I would spend a little more now to avoid upgrading it as soon...just my .02

Urban Sugarmaker
06-12-2014, 05:56 PM
Thank you. I was thinking along the same lines. Spending a little more now to avoid having to upgrade later at much higher cost. Now, does anyone know how extra sections improve performance in a flat pan? I always thought surface area did that. My preference is the XL pan because you can reverse flow every couple of boils.

06-12-2014, 07:40 PM
With sixty taps I was swamped when things really ran. I hope to acquire a flue pan to cut my 14 hr boils down to about 8. If your able to boil everyday or at least every other you'll be fine. I tend to be more of a weekend boiler.

Loch Muller
06-13-2014, 05:49 AM
I'd say its worth the money if your going to be close the max recommended taps for the 2x4. The two main benefits I see are that the flow can be reversed, saving you down time cleaning your pan and the preheater pan is off the back of the thing, not dripping into the boiling sap as it condensates. I wouldn't expect much higher of a boil rate compared to the standard flat pan. In my experience the blower, arch paper and building up the back of the arch to within 1" of the pan in the back are things that will increase the boil rate. With the reverse flow pan you would be set up to add a reverse osmosis in the future. Or you could get some type of flue pan for the thing, but then your talking about a pretty big chunk of cash. I thought about doing that, but I found a bigger used evaporator at an affordable price and decided increase capacity that way instead. I'll be selling the Mason 2x4 to help pay for all the new stuff I've got. Good luck.
