View Full Version : Stack Advice

06-12-2014, 07:09 AM
I am really trying to educate myself on stacks as much as I can before installing mine. My arch has a 7" galvanized stack and is not long enough to exit my roof anyway, so somewhere along the way I plan on converting it to a double or triple wall (likely stainless?) pipe well before exiting the roof to lessen my clearance issues with the roof framing and the cupola.

Is there any style or brand I should stay away from? Will most double and triple walls handle the heat up near the roof-line? I will have 10 feet or more of stack before it reaches the roof. Where should I convert it over to the better pipe?

So far the Supervent brand seems to have everything I (think) I need to do this.

06-12-2014, 07:57 PM
You will not find a difference in heat handling between single, double, or triple wall stacks. The extra walls are just to help you with your clearance. Each inch of air space will allow you to cut the clearance in half. Single wall is typically 36", double is 18", and triple would be 9". It's expensive stuff, so many sugar makers just put the multi-wall pipe where the rafters start to deal with clearance and use single wall the rest of the way. I personally got creative with framing and used ceramic blanket on the exposed wood. You could also try adding the air space to the wood itself with a heat shield or you could simply wrap the single wall pipe with larger pipe - if you are trying to cut down on cost.
