View Full Version : Wnybassman's Sugar House Project
06-01-2014, 06:38 PM
Well, I might as well start this thread seeing the project is well underway. lol
I decided this was the last year I was boiling without a roof over my head. 16 years outside is long enough!! I figured if i was moving inside, might be a good time to buy a different evaporator for a better evaporation rate. So I bought a two year old Lapierre 18x60 raised flue with a hood from a fellow here on the Trader.
Once the season was done I started the ground work. Tough on my property because NOTHING is flat, and everything I build needs to be cut into the bank. The shack is no exception. Going with a 10x16 pole building with the 12/12 roof hanging over 4 feet on the south end to create a porch setting. I wanted to go 12 feet wide, but the lay of the land just dictates otherwise. The north end may have a shed roof for wood storage, but that will be determined at a later date. Also installing plywood on the roof, but going with steel roofing. Debated whether to use the plywood or not, but figured why chance the possible condensation issues. Exterior walls I have not determined yet. Might go rough cut hemlock, might go Hardi plank cement siding (like my other barn) or might go steel siding. I'll figure that out later in the summer.
By the end of tonight I have the holes dug and ready for inspection. To me I am over the hump. I hate the ground work and I am a carpenter by trade so the building will be the fun part. A friend of mine did the stone retaining wall where I cut into the bank, although I hauled all the stone in and wheelbarrowed it down to the site.
A few pics thus far.......................
06-01-2014, 06:38 PM
A couple more.................
happy thoughts
06-01-2014, 07:21 PM
Looking good! Can't wait to see the final product. You'll be boiling in luxury next season. I'm jealous! :)
06-01-2014, 07:37 PM
looks good neighbor
06-08-2014, 02:26 PM
Got ambitious this morning, and I think that stemmed from the forecast of heavy rain over the next 24 hours. I wanted to get the poles in before the holes filled with water, and the nice dry pile of backfill dirt turned to muck.
06-08-2014, 03:08 PM
It looks great! keep on showing us the progress
06-08-2014, 03:17 PM
It looks great! keep on showing us the progress
We have a (planned) slowish week at work this week and should have the roof on by the end of the week. From there I can pick away at it as I please.
Still up in the air about siding materials. Every option seems to have its pro's and con's. Does anybody in the Western New York area know a good place for rough sawn hemlock? That is what I may be leaning towards.
06-08-2014, 05:20 PM
WNY Bassman, I live in Hamburg, NY and just built a chicken coop, and a shed (last year) with rough sawed hemlock and larch. I get all my lumber from the amish in Leon/Randolph area. Been very happy with the lumber so far. If your interested I can get you the address/ directions. Your sugar house is looking good, I hope to be starting mine a year from now. Good luck and keep us posted.
06-09-2014, 09:29 PM
Just finished sawing two big hemlock jobs so log inventory is low for a couple weeks, but I have larch logs to saw.Also plenty of white pine to saw.I'm usually running 3-4 weeks out. PM me if you have any questions.Mills in Alden NY
06-10-2014, 06:24 PM
Moving right along........
A friend of mine came over to help my dad and I. Were able to get the roof on and covered. Another bout of big rains forecasted for the next couple days, so this is a good place to be. Cupola hole is framed, but decided to sheet over it until the rains are over.
06-11-2014, 07:16 PM
It was supposed to rain today so we decided not to open the roof to finish the cupola. Other than the brief shower early in the morning, it never rained a drop. Finished up a lot of the other framing though. Have not boxed in the windows yet because I don't have any yet. lol Looking for some used or otherwise cheap windows.
06-13-2014, 03:15 PM
Got the cupola framed up this morning before some rain came through. Decided to let the ridge board run through.
Had a pretty decent week to work on this despite the heavy rain forecast the last few days. Got more done that I thought I would on my week off. Should be able to peck away at it the rest of the summer pretty easily.
06-21-2014, 06:36 PM
I found some used windows on Craigslist the other day and they seem to fit the shack very well. Tonight after work I was able to get the openings framed in and the windows installed.
The roof steel is being delivered Monday.
06-29-2014, 05:48 PM
Decided to get started on the roofing today and got the cupola done. I just tacked the ridge cap up there, I want to find somebody around here with a heavy enough brake to take it to 90º. I should have ordered the pieces that way, but it was an oversight.
06-29-2014, 07:29 PM
Looking good man nice work!
06-30-2014, 10:48 AM
Is there a reason not to have a vented ridge on the cupola?
07-28-2014, 07:42 PM
97759776Here's a pic of your lumber
07-30-2014, 05:37 PM
Things have been a bit stagnant here for a couple weeks on the actual building. That should change soon though. Going to Jim's tomorrow to pick up the siding/trim package and will be taking Friday off from work to finish the steel roof, it's about half done. Today I headed off a rafter and cut out the plywood for the area the stack will go through. Needed to do that before the steel goes over that area. Over the weekend I finished hand digging more of the bank out behind the shack and my buddy has been working on the stone wall the last couple days.
With the weather feeling more like October around here the past few days, it's kinda lighting a fire under me again. Summer will slip away before I know it.
08-04-2014, 07:06 PM
Finished the roof today. Onward to siding tomorrow or Wednesday after work.
I'll get a better picture with better lighting later.
08-06-2014, 06:05 PM
I have a couple days to work on things and decided to put some siding up today. Got most of the boards up by days end. Just a few more to go. I left the boards long over the porch area thinking I might do something decorative there.
08-07-2014, 09:36 PM
looking good noel
08-08-2014, 05:59 PM
Thanks Jim, it's coming together. Gotta deliver mail tomorrow, but I am going to try and get all the wood on the cupola on Sunday. I think I have about 6000 feet of battens left. lol
maple flats
08-08-2014, 08:17 PM
Very nice. I built my sugarhouse in time for the 2004 season. I still don't have all the batten on. I may have about 90% done.
08-08-2014, 09:35 PM
Looks great takes me back. Mine was um not started this time last year. Battens really make it look great don't they. I like the way you did the porch a nice little touch for a few more minutes work.
08-10-2014, 06:10 PM
Plugging away.................
I think I am very fortunate to find these used windows when I did. I can't of any other size/style that would fit this shack any better.
08-10-2014, 07:54 PM
Could be shadows not sure but are you using a stain? If you are what type or brand?
08-10-2014, 08:49 PM
Could be shadows not sure but are you using a stain? If you are what type or brand?
CWF in "natural/clear"
I need to board up the porch ceiling before I can finish the battens on that front wall, then that will get the CWF as well.
08-31-2014, 05:30 PM
Things are coming along nicely. Finished up the staining today. All doors and cupola vents are built and installed. One more door latch to install once the door dries. Pictures to come once I finish up that.
Question. Has anyone tried using a boat trailer style winch to operate their cupola vents? Mine are on the heavy side and I have been thinking of ways to control the speed of opening/closing and came up with this idea.
I will have some stone to haul down there over the next few days, then I can start thinking about a concrete floor. I'd like to have that done by the end of September.
08-31-2014, 06:09 PM
I used boat winches on my cupola doors and it works great. I attached the winches to some 1/4" metal brackets that I got at a local steel shop. They cut a 12" square piece of steel in half, and then bent each piece 90 degrees to form an L. I lagged the pieces to the wall, attached the winches to them, and then used four small pulleys to guide the coated cable from each door to each winch. My doors are quite heavy and the winches make it so easy to close the doors, plus I can easily adjust how much I want each door open. I located each door's winch on the wall opposite the door that it opened so I can turn the winch and watch the door at the same time.
09-01-2014, 02:46 PM
I used boat winches on my cupola doors and it works great. I attached the winches to some 1/4" metal brackets that I got at a local steel shop. They cut a 12" square piece of steel in half, and then bent each piece 90 degrees to form an L. I lagged the pieces to the wall, attached the winches to them, and then used four small pulleys to guide the coated cable from each door to each winch. My doors are quite heavy and the winches make it so easy to close the doors, plus I can easily adjust how much I want each door open. I located each door's winch on the wall opposite the door that it opened so I can turn the winch and watch the door at the same time.
That's exactly what I am going to do then. I was thinking one winch to control both vents at the same time, but maybe I will do two separate ones to work them independently. I have all winter to do that. lol
For all intents and purposes, the outside is done. Just need to finish the exposed posts on the porch (once we determine what we will do), caulk the windows once the trim shrinks a bit more, and install the roof jack for the stack once the evaporator is put in place.
Inside is nearly ready for concrete. Have some drains to install, but have a few weeks to get that done.
09-01-2014, 09:04 PM
That is one nice looking building! Like you said, you couldn't have bought more appropriate windows. They look perfect!!
09-02-2014, 05:08 AM
When I left my post about how I did the boat winches in our sugarhouse, I failed to tell you that you have done a beautiful job on your sugarhouse. Very nice craftsmanship and it is obvious that you didn't just throw it together. I have to say that I am glad to see that someone else has to deal with unlevel ground to construct a building on!!! Our property doesn't have a level spot on it so we either have to dig out like you did or fill in after the footings are in. You did a really nice job.
09-02-2014, 03:21 PM
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I have been thinking about a shack for a very long time and the biggest obstacle I had to overcome was the lay of the land. I really hoped to make it a couple feet wider, but I just didn't dare squeeze into the bank any more than I did. I like the space I have between the building and the bank now. I also wanted to build it to hopefully last longer than me (I'm only 43). I'm sure next spring I will be thinking how I can add some sort of addition. lol
09-03-2014, 07:32 PM
Your mini maple mansion is looking sweet! Took your advice and started applying the cwf on mine this evening. Rough sawn wood really soaks that stuff up. But in all honesty I'm envious on how yours is turning out. Good job!
09-04-2014, 06:27 PM
BassMan, very nice! I knew you had to be somewhere nearby, but had to look it up. I scoot almost right by every time I head to Buffalo.
09-04-2014, 06:32 PM
BassMan, very nice! I knew you had to be somewhere nearby, but had to look it up. I scoot almost right by every time I head to Buffalo.
I am guessing you cut up on Rt. 63 through Pavilion. I am 4.2 miles directly south of that light in town.
09-26-2014, 07:16 PM
Poured the concrete this morning. A great place to be heading into this time of year!!
I'll be moving the evaporator into the shack in a week or so.
11-14-2014, 05:32 PM
Got the stack through the roof today. Looking serious now. lol
11-14-2014, 07:49 PM
Thats looking great. You will be thrilled to be boiling inside. Your right about the stack looks like business now. Its going to be snowing soon enough not much time left for that kind of work
11-27-2014, 09:00 PM
I am very slowly pecking away at the inside. A couple weeks ago I ran a light circuit inside, although it is fed by an extension cord right now. At least I can work out there in the dark now if need be.
This morning before family festivities I built the platform for my feed tank. Also made the tank by cutting a 55 gallon barrel at the first rib down at about the 40 gallon mark. By doing this I could get the tank a little higher, plus without the top it will make it easier to clean. Thanks for the advice whoever posted that on this site! I was also able to cut the top so it fit back on the barrel and will use some stainless screws to secure it. That will help keep larger undesirables out of the sap.
I also mounted the cable hand winches which will operate the cupola doors. Now that they are in place, I know what I need for pulleys. I think this will work out great. I need to figure out a spring at the cupola doors to kick it out a few inches so gravity can take over. I got a couple ideas in my head, just need to find just the right thing to accomplish it. g
You may be cursing those hills, but us flatlanders at the north end of Genesee County would love it to run lines in the woods.
12-07-2014, 04:33 PM
Today I plumbed up the feed tank to the float box and finished up a couple electrical circuits. I am really really close to firing the rig up. The next warmish day I am free, I'll test out both float valves and make sure water flows properly. If all tests well, I guess I'll start a fire!
I'll fire up the first time without the hood on the flue pan. I want to see what's going on. g
Lookin great.heres to a great coming season!
12-07-2014, 07:04 PM
looking good noel your almost ready.
12-23-2014, 05:52 PM
Made a bit of steam today!
Got home from work early and it was fairly warm out so I ran the hose down to the shack. Rinsed out the transfer tank and feed tank. Put about 40 gallons in the transfer tank and pumped it up to the feed tank. Slowly opened one valve after the other, checking all connections and making sure both float valves worked as they should. Only found one little leak in a sanitary fitting that the gasket was not seated properly. Not a drop anywhere after that! Woo-Hoo!!!
So then I got the itch to start a small fire in the firebox to check to see if I had good draft without the blower. I did. Then I built the fire big enough to get the water steaming and hot to the touch, but not boiling. Everything went very well. I left all the water down there because I do want to get it cranking good once before I drain everything out for the rest of the winter, and we are expected to stay above freezing for several more days.
No pictures today, but will get some during the next round.
12-23-2014, 10:05 PM
Awesome I remember how excited I was to make my first steam in my sugarhouse.
12-28-2014, 12:59 PM
Full blown test boil a success!! I ran it about an hour, and boiled off 15 gallons of water using some framing scraps and other bigger crappy big wood. Didn't want to use any of the good stuff. Only took roughly 10 minutes to get the flue pan from 35º cold to a boil. Never ran the blower but the draft could suck a small cat into the ash door. lol
01-08-2015, 01:44 PM
My dad had a sign made for us for a Christmas gift this year, and this morning we had a little extra time to install it.
01-09-2015, 07:15 AM
That sign is a perfect addition to a nicely built sugarhouse. You are going to really like being inside when you are boiling this year. Last year was our first year boiling inside and I told my wife it seemed rather strange to be building a roaring fire inside a building. It was really nice to be in out of the weather and the wind, especially. Hope you have a great season!
02-01-2015, 07:23 PM
You have done a fantastic job on this. A few questions: What size is your stack, and where did you get the roof jack? How is the stack constructed? Looks like your roof is 12/12, which is the same as mine. I still have a thousand things to do, but I'm at the point in my construction project that I need to design the stack. Thanks, and again, nice work.
02-01-2015, 08:15 PM
You have done a fantastic job on this. A few questions: What size is your stack, and where did you get the roof jack? How is the stack constructed? Looks like your roof is 12/12, which is the same as mine. I still have a thousand things to do, but I'm at the point in my construction project that I need to design the stack. Thanks, and again, nice work.
Stack is 7". I bought my evaporator used and it came with several sections of single wall 7". I used the base stack along with a couple extra feet, then it goes double wall the rest of the way. We did a remolding job this year where I was able to salvage about 20 feet of Type A "All Fuel" 7" pipe out of the project, galvanized exterior with stainless interior. Never used for wood, only as a furnace exhaust. I bought the roof jack and collar from
My salvaged piping also came with a support bracket and the short section of ribbed pipe that went into that bracket. I used some aluminum channel salvaged from a vinyl handrail to hold that bracket, and a couple large turnbuckle supports from a large satellite dish to support and adjust those rails. I thought about the whole stack thing for quite some time and it all went together very well.
02-24-2015, 07:02 PM
Awesome work ! Did you buy a plan or just build it ? Good luck this year. Tapping over next few days in NJ.
02-25-2015, 05:54 AM
Awesome work ! Did you buy a plan or just build it ? Good luck this year. Tapping over next few days in NJ.
I had a footprint plan mainly for size, and an idea what it was going to look like all said and done. Carpentry has been my job for nearly 30 years now so it was pretty easy for me to do. Never built a cupola before so I made that up as I went along. lol
Gavin W. Hooks
03-05-2015, 10:29 PM
Thanks for all the nice pics. Beautiful job.
03-06-2015, 05:58 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind words! My goals this year are to equal production of the last couple years, and not burn the shack down! lol Next week is looking great for our first runs.
Run Forest Run!
03-06-2015, 09:05 AM
Noel, that is one gorgeous building! Every detail from the stone retaining wall to the sign out front make it absolutely perfect. :)
03-07-2015, 08:49 AM
Good luck Noel...your setup looks great!
Pauly V
03-07-2015, 03:46 PM
wow..thats fantastic. best of luck!..tapped 60 in CT this week..1st season. seeing the steam rise is euphoric!
03-12-2015, 09:28 PM
So I got enough sap the last few days to boil for a few hours tonight for the first time.
A few notes of interest........
- I didn't burn the shack down, Woo-Hoo!!! lol
- I can watch the frothing in the flue pan all night, that is frickin' awesome.
- The hood definitely made the shack steam free.
- I had to fight to keep the front compartment of the syrup pan boiling.
- The sparks flying out of the stack after dark is unsettling. I'm glad I went with a steel roof, I'd be a nervous wreck with shingles!
03-18-2015, 09:07 PM
Last night I boiled off 126 gallons and had many draws. Tonight I finished everything I drew off. I must have the drawing off thing down pretty good because I had two pots that I drew in to, and the first one I brought up to a boil and checked it right away and it was dead nuts right on syrup. I didn't even have my urn ready yet because I never have syrup that quick. The second pot was actually a bit heavy and had to be diluted, something I have NEVER done before.
I was a bit nervous about bottling in the shack without the convenience of the kitchen and running water. Worried for nothing! I took a five gallon bucket of water down with me and was able to do everything I needed to do with that, including all the cleaning up at the end. The brewing cycles of the coffee urn provided me with the hot water.
Was able to bottle up everything up to this point tonight and ended up with 3 1/2 gallons. Not a bad start. g?oh=59469033f5e74cb0701f44c5a70e990f&oe=5573A16F
Urban Sugarmaker
03-18-2015, 09:20 PM
Looking good. I'll have to try a coffee urn for a hot water supply. Great idea. Where did you get the stainless steel table?
03-18-2015, 09:28 PM
Looking good. I'll have to try a coffee urn for a hot water supply. Great idea. Where did you get the stainless steel table?
A buddy of mine picked it up at a flea market and said it was too nice for what he was going to use it for, so he gave it to me. It was EXACTLY what I was looking for.
Urban Sugarmaker
03-18-2015, 09:36 PM
Nice. So I see you made almost 14 gallons last year from 60 taps. I have 81 in right now. How do you think we are doing compared to last year with the extreme cold and late start?
03-18-2015, 09:41 PM
Nice. So I see you made almost 14 gallons last year from 60 taps. I have 81 in right now. How do you think we are doing compared to last year with the extreme cold and late start?
Actually I only had 41 total taps last year. I think we are right on pace with last season. Seems as though I made the most towards the end of March and the first week of April. I have 56 taps in this year. Hoping to make more, but will be happy with the same.
03-19-2015, 05:17 PM
- The sparks flying out of the stack after dark is unsettling. I'm glad I went with a steel roof, I'd be a nervous wreck with shingles!
First of all, Noel, SUPER job on that building. It's a marvel to look at.
I've been thinking over the building of a small footprint shack for myself. I'm glad I read your comment that I quoted because I was stupidly thinking about attaching a shack to my 36' x 36' garage outbuilding. However, the garage has shingles!!!
Your comment may change my plans entirely.
Anyway, great job.
03-22-2015, 05:15 PM
It's funny how when you move inside, all of a sudden visitors show up. lol It was a great day, had lots of people stop by to check out the shack and even with several people in the shack at once I was still able to fire every five minutes (I use a timer!!) and keep up a great evaporation rate of 16-17gph. I was expecting to go until nearly dark, and was done at 3:00.
One of my buddies took a great pic! ?oh=0244936f6bc3250142383a1d392d08ac&oe=55BAA256&__gda__=1437819218_fc8ab41654cbee620f1879d18372bac 3
03-24-2015, 11:43 AM
That is one impressive sugar house. We are still boiling outside with 21 taps this year. Someday we hope to have a sugar house that nice. I also feel your pain with not level ground. Great job.
Run Forest Run!
03-24-2015, 11:51 AM
As my friend who grew up in Newfoundland says "His grin was ear to ear and half way down his back". You're one happy looking sugarer Noel. Congrats on a job exceptionally well done.
03-24-2015, 01:21 PM
Great job!...Love seeing a project come to completion,
I'm sure your family and friends are proud and impressed,.. as we are.
Enjoy, the fruits of your labor, and Good Luck!
03-24-2015, 07:57 PM
Thanks all! It is a PLEASURE to boil in this shack!
A couple more nice shots that a buddy of mine took the other day.
03-24-2015, 07:58 PM
I need a better pedestal for my draw-off pot. lol
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