View Full Version : Northwest PA maple producers meeting

01-10-2007, 07:27 PM
What: Annual Northwest PA Maple Producers meeting
When: Jan 20 2007
Where: Blooming Valley United Methodist Church. North of Meadville PA
Time: coffee and donuts 8:00 am Closing remarks around 3:00 pm
Grant for maple advertising.
Miracles on Maple Hill,
Asbury Woods Nature Center, "Education and making maple"
Maple cream demo,
Maple Darling contest,
Door prizes,
Review of 2006 PA state tour
Pa farm show review,
Sign ups for the March 2007 Taste and Tour event.
Hydrometer and refractometer calibration (Bring yours)
Several Maple equipment dealers.

Who: Members and New members welcome

Cost: Dues for 2007 $15 (free dinner), guest (dinner $5.00)

Contact information: Chris Casbohm (814-756-4781) or Laura Dengler (814-763-2777) or www.pamaple.org

Dave Y
01-10-2007, 09:38 PM
can anybody come ? I would like to show up.

01-11-2007, 08:00 PM
You are more than welcome. Anyone interested in Maple. Hope to see you there.

Dave Y
01-11-2007, 08:06 PM
what route is Blooming Valley On?

Jim Brown
01-14-2007, 09:10 AM
Dave Y. Have you ever been to the Crawford County Fair? It is just passed the fair gounds on route 77 about 5-6 miles
on the left. I dont know may be 3-4 miles you can't miss it.
If you give me a call you can follow with us up.

01-20-2007, 05:30 PM
WoWhoo! Another NWPA maple members meeting in the books. Had A great time hope the members had as much fun as me. Met a lot of the new members and we now have members as far as Forest county (PA) and over into Ohio. Spoke with "tappin and sappin" Jake Z. He is ready to set up his 2 x 6. Jim Brown doing well after back surgery is ready to test the new steam away. Father and Son Jim and Chase Bortles are still eyeballing the tubing system they may install. Another trader that I just cant put an name with was there too. Says he sees my posts all the time. ( of course I talk on here to much , just ask my wife). We had a good time and talked a lot about more than just making maple. Advertising, and education Grants and new equipment.
Last night I was locked up on the Trader and I was starting to go into withdrawals in one day! I am able to get back on the trader as you can see and I feel much better. Not sure if Kim fixed this or it fixed its self? (I was trying to put in my new email account name.)


01-20-2007, 06:14 PM
Forgot to mention Dave Y a new member to our NWPA association, Glad to see he made the trip in marginal weather. Dave is the only sugarmaker from Forest County PA. We were representing five counties now I guess six county Dave went home with one of the maple slices.
We put in several plugs for the trader so you may see some new members from our area on here.
Scott Durfee said he is now registered on trader, he has a half pint this year with new custom hood. Scott and his kids made 12 gallons of syrup last year on open fire and finished on Propane. (I think I got that right)


Jim Brown
01-20-2007, 06:57 PM
Chris; thanks for a great day! sorry we had to run early but one of our new members from Lawrence county( Dave Bell) who rode with Darlene and I had to be back in New Castle by 4:00pm. The block looks great in the sugar house and looking forward to a great season!
Thanks again for your effort and the effort of the NWMPA staff!

Dave Y
01-20-2007, 07:55 PM
Thanks for the welcome to the NWPA assosiation. I enjoyed the day. Meet some new folks and some I already knew. I enjoy been around like mined people. Jim Brown it was nice to finally meet you and happy to see you are up and moving after your operation.