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View Full Version : homemade syrup warmer using 55 gallon drum

05-28-2014, 09:09 PM
Has any one ever made a water jacket caner or syrup warmer using a 55 gallon SS drum and put a 40 gallon SS drum inside (W/open top for DE) and drilled and welded a spout for draining the syrup out? I was thinking of using a immersion heater like they have on the smaller caners like a 3000W of larger.
My main concern is that the thickness of the SS barrel would be to thick and would not be very efficient with the heat transfer. Right now we use a 23 gallon flat pan on a 200,000 btu turkey cooker to warm our syrup before its filtered and put in the 16 gallon water jacket caner. Just looking for a better way to warm our syrup before filtering, If anyone has ever made one like this I would love to know how it worked for you!

maple maniac65
05-29-2014, 06:21 AM
I hung a ss milk pail full of syrup in the condensate tank water coming off from the steam away. It got it up to 175 degrees with 190 degree water coming into it. Maybe in time it would of got it hotter but I did wait any longer before putting it through the press by mixing it with what was coming off the evaporator. By the way a good milk pail is about as thick as a barrel.

10-27-2014, 07:23 PM
Paul! First of all good name. Second, wondering if you ever made yourself a homemade syrup warmer? I have the immersion heater and was wondering the same thing, how to make one work for me. Something with the capability warm up 16-18 gallons would be ideal.
