View Full Version : Stack temp ?,s
Barehill Mapler
05-26-2014, 07:22 PM
I have a 2x6 Waterloo small evaporator and stack temps run between 5 & 600 degrees. It has a 10" stack with a probe style stack thermometer,and air under fire.i try different woods (maple, ash,oak) and all are dry. Still the stack temps do not increase. I've read here many times where you folks have temps between 8 &1200 degrees. The sap must be jumpin out of the pans at those temps. I also would like to see higher temps. Any suggestions.
05-27-2014, 05:00 AM
I had a dial probe setup for a couple of years and replaced it this year with a digital probe and readout thanks to a member on here. I saw about a 300 degree difference in the temps I was running, the digital meter was alot nicer because you could see a temperature change alot sooner than the dial type. So one reason might be you thermometer is shot. You said that you are using different types of wood, how fine are your pieces split? They should be about the size of your wrists. Wood bigger than that won't burn fast enough to give you the heat you need for a good boil. Also how seasoned was the wood? Green wood won't burn hot enough and bone dry wood tends to burn too fast, usually wood seasoned about a year fors best. Good Luck
After adding a digital probe this year I found a big difference between that and my old probe. Both higher and lower. And much faster response. I stopped using a timer and fired based on stack temp. My stack runs 1200-1400 most of the time, but with other obligations my time in the sugarhouse has to be short
05-27-2014, 04:12 PM
My stack temps were real low last season and did'nt change much regardless of the heat being produced in the firebox until I found that the stack was sucking air in at the base. I stuffed insulation around it and it increased tremendously plus it was a lot more sensitive.
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