View Full Version : Guinea Hens
05-23-2014, 09:13 AM
I have been having a hard time finding some Guinea Hens locally. We want to pick up a few for tick control. I think everyone else around here has the same idea because there are none to be found. Does anyone know of someone that sells these in the S. NH area? I am even willing to drive a bit to get a few. Ideally we want to purchase a few adult females.
My reasoning is that we already have some chickens and a rooster. They are 100% free range and we close up their chicken house at night to keep predators out. It is my understanding that male guinea hens would pester and beat the hell out of our rooster. We have an awesome rooster and I don't want him getting his *** kicked all day.
We thought about getting a dozen keets, but we are not sure of how that would work with the chickens either. Then we would have to find a home for the male guineas once they are big enough to beat up on our rooster.
Any leads on where to get some or any other tips from someone else with how guineas interact with chickens would be awesome. Sorry to go a little off-topic on the maple forum, but this is about tick control! We are averaging about a tick a day found on us here lately.
happy thoughts
05-23-2014, 09:32 AM
It may be too early for keets. Try in a few weeks. They are very sensitive to cold when young. Around here they start becoming available in early June. I never had a problem raising them with laying hens. Can't tell you if they'd be aggressive with roosters.
05-23-2014, 09:47 AM
Yeah, from what I have read the guinea hens are fine with laying hens. But I have heard that guinea cocks really battle with roosters and that the guineas are really dirty fighters.
If we get keets, how big would they have to get before they could integrate with the chickens? Would we have to keep them apart for a while? I would rather not have to set up any fencing.
And just for anyone else reading... Guineas really are awesome for ticks!!! A couple years back we had some and not too long after, there was no sign of ticks at all. They really cleaned up. But they were young, stupid birds and the few females ended up getting themselves killed and then we only had a few guinea cocks, and they just fight all the time since there were no hens to keep them in line. Then they really started to wander, in battle mode, and started climbing on cars to avoid each other. Then they started climbing on the neighbors cars. So we gave them to a farm a few towns over. If we stick with hens and keep them with the chickens, then they should stick around more instead of going 1000ft down the road just to roost on the neighbors cars.
happy thoughts
05-23-2014, 12:26 PM
If we get keets, how big would they have to get before they could integrate with the chickens? Would we have to keep them apart for a while? I would rather not have to set up any fencing..
It's been awhile since we had guineas and chickens. Keets are really tiny and probably shouldn't be kept with chickens until they are large enough to not get trampled. They are also really dumb. They need special (smaller width) waterers than baby chicks or they can drown. You can fill a regular waterer dish with stones or marbles if you can't find a quail waterer.
When we raised them we kept them confined to the chicken coop for a few months so they learned the coop was home and would return to the coop to roost at night once we let them free range. Otherwise, they might choose to roost in the trees. They are wary birds and not as readily acclimated to people as chickens.
Keets need higher protein food than baby chicks. I think we fed turkey or game bird food. We were also told that feeding antibiotic laced chicken food should be avoided though I no longer remember the reason why. As for keeping a flock of a dozen.... Hmmm :). I might go for six at most just because of the noise. They are fun birds but LOUD! They make great watch birds as long as you don't have near neighbors :)
Good luck finding some new feathered friends :) Now you've got me thinking of picking up a few again!
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