View Full Version : RO for maple syrup and molasses

Gavin W. Hooks
05-17-2014, 10:42 AM
This is my second year doing maple syrup. I see the great advantage of an RO. Went from a gallon and a half the first year to 18 gallon this season. I have 3 friends who are into this thing with me. Between us we are scheming to have even more fun. I'm just wondering if anyone has used their RO for making maple syrup in the winter/spring and sorghum molasses in the fall. I've been talking with Ray Gingrich about his units and he did not know if it would be ok to use for both. Anybody have experience?

05-17-2014, 02:07 PM
In my opinion it would be ok if it was well cleaned in between. At the end of the season I clean with soap, acid, soap, acid, soap and then run the rest of the permeate though it. I don't think there is much "product" left in the membrane. If you are concerned get another membrane for molasses.

06-18-2014, 12:31 PM
Man I don't think I would run sorghum juice thru my RO. way to much fiber in the first pressing. And at a 8-10 gal to 1 ratio I would just boil it away. Just my 2 cents.

Gavin W. Hooks
12-08-2014, 09:50 PM
Firetech you were right. Way to much debris in the cane juice. Would have been a mess. Did not have the RO anyway.