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View Full Version : Maple syrup demonstration and talk at local schools

05-08-2014, 09:02 AM
I had the chance to give a couple demonstrations at local elementary and high schools. It was great sharing my experiences and knowledge with people interested in sugaring. I talked about the history and development of the sugaring process. I made up several displays including a dripping sugar tree, stone tool cut v notched tree, birch bark baskets, display board, ect. I took my 2x6 pans and set them up. I am looking forward to doing moe of these, so if anyone has any ideas for improvment, let me know. Also had syrup there for tasting..sure went through alot of spoons.

There are a few pictures in my gallery.

05-08-2014, 10:25 AM
Great job. This is how you get kids interested in agriculture. I started a 4-H group dedicated to all things Maple.

One suggestion: On here a guy posted that it takes about 3.5 million drips to produce one gallon of Syrup. This is a great point to teach kids. I used that and the math that goes into this calculation is a great way to teach kids that they will use math in their adult life.

The size of the tapping bit...dip a bit in wax so nobody gets cut...helps them understand fractions better. I use a drill index card to explain the sizes.

We remodeled our sugar house using repurposed pyrex dairy milking tubing and the receiver. This way the entire flow of sap in the sugar house is visible and they can see the flow.

If you want a video I can see if I have one of the unit working.

Again great job and thanks for educating the kids!


05-09-2014, 07:06 AM
Thanks very much for the info. and ideas ! The video would be great. My wife is an aid at our local school. She also uses maple syrup in tutoring with math and history.
Where are you located, how big is your operation ?
Thanks again,
Great job. This is how you get kids interested in agriculture. I started a 4-H group dedicated to all things Maple.

One suggestion: On here a guy posted that it takes about 3.5 million drips to produce one gallon of Syrup. This is a great point to teach kids. I used that and the math that goes into this calculation is a great way to teach kids that they will use math in their adult life.

The size of the tapping bit...dip a bit in wax so nobody gets cut...helps them understand fractions better. I use a drill index card to explain the sizes.

We remodeled our sugar house using repurposed pyrex dairy milking tubing and the receiver. This way the entire flow of sap in the sugar house is visible and they can see the flow.

If you want a video I can see if I have one of the unit working.

Again great job and thanks for educating the kids!
