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View Full Version : Vacuum Help needed

05-05-2014, 11:16 AM
No experience with vacuum yet - looking for advice. I have been looking at a couple used GAST 2567 pumps. One is 115V 1HP motor and one is a 230V 1.5 Hp motor. The electrical outlet that I would access to is approx 250 feet away from where I would like to have the releaser set up due to road access issues. I have a 250 foot roll of 12-2 wire in the garage. I am thinking of using this wire to run to the pump location - do you think that I would lose to much amperage for that long of a run for either of those pumps to run effeciently? And any advice on which pump you would buy? The 115 Volt pump would be easier for me to run wire to but i think this outlet is on it's own circuit and I could covert it over to 230V by changing the breakers - this would just be a seasonal changeover and then would re-wire it back after sap season. I guess this pump would have enough CFM's to run a long dry line to the releaser but because it is out in the middle of a lawn - I would rather run power to the edge of the woods and keep everything there if possible for visual reason - just not sure if this is too long of a run for this wire or which pump would be the best? Thanks - Paul

Thanks for taking the time to offer advice!

05-05-2014, 11:34 AM
Here's a graph with recommended extension cord size based on length of run.

05-05-2014, 11:34 AM
If you can wire it 220 I would go with that. Although most any motor can change from 110 to 220. 2567 are pretty good pumps 21CFM. I have a 2065 that and I like it a lot. Some of the GAST pumps drop off faster than others as far as how many CFMs per inch of Vacuum. 21 is at 0. I think 20" is about 8-10 CFMS. You can get all spec sheets on GAST website.

05-05-2014, 04:05 PM
keep the pump close to the electric source and run the vacuum line the 250 feet to the releaser. 1" black poly pipe is a lot cheaper then wire!

Russell Lampron
05-05-2014, 06:38 PM
keep the pump close to the electric source and run the vacuum line the 250 feet to the releaser. 1" black poly pipe is a lot cheaper then wire!

I second that! My pump is 2' from the electrical outlet and my releaser is 1500' away from my pump. I would go with 1 1/4" black poly or larger depending on how many mainlines and number of taps. I used 1 1/4" black poly on mine and wish that I had used 2" instead. The releaser is a little slow to recover after it dumps.

05-05-2014, 06:55 PM
This is actually simple question. For the best resut over time the pump stays as close to the outlet as possible due to line loss.

1.5hp unit will be the better investment as long as it is not too much more $$$. 230is more efficient use of wattage than is a 110 motor.

You can always over size the mainline and reduce the vacuum loss at a reasonable cost. Oversizing the copper is very costly.


05-05-2014, 08:58 PM
I second that! My pump is 2' from the electrical outlet and my releaser is 1500' away from my pump. I would go with 1 1/4" black poly or larger depending on how many mainlines and number of taps. I used 1 1/4" black poly on mine and wish that I had used 2" instead. The releaser is a little slow to recover after it dumps.

Why not add another 1" or 1.25" dry line to the releaser?

maple flats
05-06-2014, 04:59 AM
Keep the pump at the power source. Then refer to a chart for vacuum loss by Cornell Maple Specialist Steve Childs for your vacuum line. Just guessing, but I think you want a 1.5" maybe even a 2". The 230V is your better option, it only needs half the amperage that the same HP motor would use on a 115V.

Super Sapper
05-06-2014, 05:23 AM
The total amperage is the same for 230 as it is for 115. If a motor uses 10 amps at 115 it will use 5 amps on each leg for a total of 10 amps on 230. The advantage is you can run smaller wire with the 230.

Russell Lampron
05-06-2014, 05:23 AM
Why not add another 1" or 1.25" dry line to the releaser?

I could do that but didn't think of it.

05-06-2014, 06:35 AM
You say that the outlet is nearby, and also that you could change it over to 220. How far from the breaker box is the outlet? This distance, if substantial, must also be included in the total length of the wire when figuring line loss. Or make sure the wire from the breaker box to the outlet is adequate in size.

05-07-2014, 10:34 AM
You say that the outlet is nearby, and also that you could change it over to 220. How far from the breaker box is the outlet? This distance, if substantial, must also be included in the total length of the wire when figuring line loss. Or make sure the wire from the breaker box to the outlet is adequate in size.

Thank you for the replies! - I do need to figure in an extra 60 feet for the lenght of the 12-2 wire that is running to the outdoor outlet. Luckily, this is the only outlet on this wire so it should be easy to switch this over to 230v at the breaker box. It looks like my best bet is to go with 230V and to keep the pump close to the outlet and then run a large vacuum line to the releaser - thanks for the help!