View Full Version : Amount of red maple sap

Mr. Red Maple
05-03-2014, 06:40 AM
If I have a big red Mae with a large crown will it give as much sap as a sugar maple? I've heard the reds don't give much sap but I wanted to ask you guys. Thanks Mr. Red Maple

happy thoughts
05-03-2014, 07:06 AM
On gravity, probably not, but a lot depends on the tree. Some may drip well while others not so well. The big producers that tap reds usually put them on vacuum.

Mr. Red Maple
05-03-2014, 07:12 AM
We thanks I think I might still give it a try with out vacuum see what I get then decide

happy thoughts
05-03-2014, 07:29 AM
Works for me :) They do make good syrup. Just don't give up if some don't run well. Others may do much better. In time, you'll find the ones that are worth tapping and which will make better firewood.

05-03-2014, 07:36 AM
If I have a big red Mae with a large crown will it give as much sap as a sugar maple? I've heard the reds don't give much sap but I wanted to ask you guys. Thanks Mr. Red Maple

I think you heard wrong. Reds give as much sap as sugar maples. Just on average less sugar per gallon of sap.

05-03-2014, 08:12 AM
In my woods the huge reds (4-5' in diameter) tend not to give much on gravity. On vacuum they give as much as my sugars. In my experience the younger reds with smooth bark give a lot of sap on gravity. Not sure why the big ones are stingy with the sap on gravity.

05-03-2014, 08:13 AM
In this part of the world there is no difference in sugar content or how much they run compared to sugars. They do start earlier and shut eariler as they bud out quickly. Side by side there is no difference in taste or color.

Clarkfield Farms
05-04-2014, 09:16 AM
FWIW, Michaud wrote that the red and silver maples, while not necessarily giving the same quantity of sugar per tree as a sugar maple, do yield a superior maple sugar that is better in flavor and whiter in color. Like I said, fwiw. :)

Russell Lampron
05-04-2014, 05:20 PM
Tap it and find out. I have tapped some that won't run a drop and others that will fill a bucket as good as a sugar maple. I tap a lot of them and have them on vacuum. They don't give as many gallons of sap per tap as sugars do but do make good tasting syrup.

Drew Pond Maple
05-04-2014, 07:40 PM
I found that some reds a picky and some run great, could be some are shaded more than others. This year I put em on vac and was blown away with the amount of sap I got. If you have enough trees I would get a small vac pump. I also agree, reds do make some great tasting syrup.

Johnny Yooper
05-07-2014, 09:30 PM
I tap what I have and most are soft maple, about 70 of them and about 10 hard maple; they all run about the same in my woods, as far as sugar content, noticeably higher for me this year - I was 49 to 1 last year sap/syrup and 38 to 1 this year, same trees, same everything except this past winter was a doozy....could that have had an effect?

Mr. Red Maple
05-08-2014, 05:55 PM
I tap what I have and most are soft maple, about 70 of them and about 10 hard maple; they all run about the same in my woods, as far as sugar content, noticeably higher for me this year - I was 49 to 1 last year sap/syrup and 38 to 1 this year, same trees, same everything except this past winter was a doozy....could that have had an effect?

I think the trees may have stored more sugar in the longer winter. It may have built up over the long winter then got released all at once.

Drew Pond Maple
05-08-2014, 08:00 PM
My sap was 2.4% in the begining and fell to 1.6% or even a little less in the end. I gathered 1570 gallons of sap and made 25 gal of syrup. Last year had almost the same %'s

Mr Red Maple where in NH are you located?