View Full Version : Ag. Census, trouble reporting

maple flats
04-22-2014, 04:36 PM
I got my 2014 USDA Ag. Census report form in the mail yesterday. I tried to do it online but could not get it to work. Everytime I entered my 17 digit "survey Code" it self cancelled. I then called to ask why. I was told it expired 4/16. I responded that 4/16 was impossible, it just came out in the mail with a cover letter saying I can submit online from 4/17-5/14. She then connected me with someone in that department. There I just got an voice mail and I left the message about my problem and that I'd like an email reply. A short time later, I got an email saying that the error was found and fixed and that I could now access my survey online and submit. After getting home I tried again, but can't get thru, the page will not load. I hope this is because everyone else is doing theirs and it is just overloaded (like Obama Care?).
I'll try again later. I hope everyone else is also doing the census and being accurate. There are a few points to consider.
1. The IRS can not access your data.
2. Lots of grant program money is based on the cumulative data.
3. The maple industry benefits from the most complete data.
4. Equipment and supply manufacturers gear up somewhat based on the this and other reports.

If any producer, regardless of how large or small did not get a survey form mailed to them, contact the NASS/USDA/gov. to be included. Every additional census report increases the accuracy of the end report.

04-22-2014, 06:34 PM
See the following thread. http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?23556-NASS-Dept.-of-Ag-maple-survey-issues

maple flats
04-22-2014, 07:52 PM
I tried again just a few minutes after I made the first post and it worked that time (I think they were following the Maple Trader and fixed the issue as soon as they read about the issue.)
P.S. Dr Tim, that link doesn't seem to work.

04-22-2014, 08:21 PM
Dr Tim, that link doesn't seem to work.

Does now. Thanks. :)