View Full Version : Last years syrup,,,question about rebottling

04-21-2014, 10:06 AM
Well, as the season is getting close to being over I have fresh syrup from this year and some from last year, left over.

My question is, can I re-bottle my last year supply? Last year syrup is bottled, edible, airtight, clear with the exception of some settling on the bottom.

Should I just use last years syrup first? Or can I mix it with some fresh, or don't mix and just reheat and refilter?

Any suggestions what to do with last years supply, maybe 2 gallons ,max.

Thanks in advance.

happy thoughts
04-21-2014, 10:26 AM
My motto is if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As long as the syrup is sound and the seals are good, it probably could be done though I'm not sure I'd mix it. If it were me, I'd just use it first instead of going through the extra work and bother. I did that myself today after discovering a leftover from last year. It all went into a big batch of bread pudding substituting all of the sugar in the recipe for syrup. And thanks to you and Karen, I put in extra vanilla :)