View Full Version : Shurflo Pump Question ?

04-18-2014, 09:02 AM
Hello Everyone:

I had a friend give me a very old Shurflo pump, date on back is 1972. It works though.

I ran home with it yesterday and connected approx. 15 trees. These 15 trees were all tubing before yesterday and just dropped into pails on the ground.

I had to tape the connection and my tube is not perfect fit for the pump fitting.

When I turn the pump on it doesn't really suck the sap, I can see sap sitting in the lines. BUT, if I go to any tap and pull it from the spile, it is sucking.

If I lift the tube near the pump and feed it sap, it sucks it fast and goes back to not really working.

Do I need to prime this pump?
Air leak at my pathetic tape job?
Could the pump be wore out and I don't know it?
Do I need more tress connected?

I did run it for one hour last eve during supper, maybe a cup of sap it collected.

Any input is appreciated.

P.S.,,, possibly last eve at supper the trees were just shutting down and that was the problem,,,not sure.


04-18-2014, 06:01 PM
The suction fitting must be air tight, I think I got mine from McMaster Carr, you also should take the pump head off and check the diaphragms they can get dirty, I put a lite coat of food grade lube on the diaphragms being 30 years old they might be dry, you can test the pumps with a bucket of water. I started using one on my longest gravity line about 50 taps and tripled its production. Plan to use more next year. Good luck.

04-19-2014, 08:00 AM
Thanks MapleCamp

I took the pump off last night and need to get the fitting airtight for sure. It works great with a bucket of water when testing it, shoots the water out the back end about 5 feet.

It will not suck sap through my lines though, any sap right right close to the pump, it grabs that but sap further away doesn't get pulled. It must be the loss of airtight fitting.
Also, could it be that I only have 15 taps on the line, thinking the system is too tight and needs more line.

If the bucket test works, and it does, does that mean my pumps fine?


04-19-2014, 07:44 PM
I would guess that the pump is alright, were your trees running good when you used the pump? you could check the lines for air leaks. I have a vacuum gauge on the suction side of the pump and it varies 8 to 18 inch's of vacuum depending on flow.