View Full Version : two problems

04-16-2014, 02:18 PM
Sent two shipments to San Antonio. One says the candy was all melted and the other says that the syrup is cloudy. I have other bottles from the same batch and no problems. I can imagine that the candy got hot but not sure at what temperature it would melt. No known reason for the cloudy syrup. Any ideas would be appreciated. Also what would you do about it. Total product was close to $800. If it helps it was filtered hot and bulk packed. It settled 2 weeks then heated filtered and packed in glass. I still have some from the same batch that is crystal clear

Run Forest Run!
04-16-2014, 03:07 PM
Rayi, have the customer send you some photos of the full shipments right away. You need to see what happened to your product and, excuse me if this sounds cynical, keeps them honest.

Moser's Maple
04-16-2014, 03:55 PM
i don't know how you shipped the product, but I hope you put insurance on the contents

04-16-2014, 04:06 PM
Are they mistaking a different grade syrup, like a little darker than they think it should be for cloudy? Like Karen says have them send you pictures.

maple flats
04-16-2014, 04:11 PM
Shake the bottles gently and see if you get any cloudiness come up from the bottom. On the candy it could melt, especially if it sat in a truck in the sun for several hours on a hot day in San Antonio, but that will not make the syrup go cloudy. If in fact it is cloudy, there is niter in it. If your remaining bottles have no niter, then I believe the customer is trying to pull a fast one. Pictures are a good idea. If the candy melted, that is an issue for the shipping co. but only if you gave directions to keep it under a certain temperature. Something like that should ship in a insulated container and have something to keep it cool, for example my aunt gets a shipment of something temperature sensitive and it arrives in a heavy foam container with a few ice packs inside. For shipments to areas and at a time of year when heat could be an issue you may want to add this to your pricing structure.

04-16-2014, 04:37 PM
Did you allow the bottles to cool before packing them up? Or maybe the whole shipment was in a space that went higher than 190 deg F. I know the inside of a car can get that hot in the sun. I don't know about a truck. Are they having temps like that in San Antonio, yet? See if you can track the shipment day to day and location.


04-16-2014, 08:08 PM
The bottles were cool and I would have to look back at temperature. Odd one complained of cloudy syrup and the other complained of melted candy. Both were from the same batch and sent USPS priority the same day

maple flats
04-17-2014, 06:26 AM
The truck would not get too hot for syrup but candy is another matter. A truck setting in the sun can easily exceed 100-110 and that can melt molded sugar, not to liquid, but certainly to alter the shapes and lose definition. While USPS trucks are white, they can still get plenty hot and when setting USPS trucks never have the windows open, everything is closed for security, except a small roof vent.
This would still not explain the cloudy syrup.

04-17-2014, 08:28 AM
That's not a good thing either one. You may have to pay the freight back to your place. Both products could be salvaged and or reworked into other maple products.
I have seen cloudiness appear in glass that is not niter. It is a whisp of material usually on the bottom. Get it back and check it out.
The candy: Was it crystal coated? I think crystal coating may help on the heat up to a point? Others that crystal coat may be able to chime in.
Also boiling the syrup to a higher temp and making the candy a little harder may help a little too. But too much heat may be too much heat! Controlling the temp during shipment may be a tough one. How do others guard against this?
Wishing you the best in this not so good situation. I think I would try to get both back or the picture idea would be good too. Evaluate them and then decide how to keep your good customer happy.