View Full Version : planted sugar maples

04-13-2014, 11:00 PM
On Saturday I planted 25 super sweet sugar maples saplings (bare-root).
The row of trees (plantation style) is my first step into the big new world of modern sugaring.

I was enormously satisfying to get the saplings in the ground. Usually planting trees is such inter-generational exercise, but knowing that I will be able to tap (do we still call it "tapping"?) these trees in about five years, is amazing.

Start planting maple trees!....

04-13-2014, 11:23 PM
I added a few more the other day also. Should be right at 250 or so now. I had planted 150 about 7 or 8 years ago :)

04-14-2014, 05:28 AM
I am considering this as well but plan to do it with red or silver maples as they grow faster and resprout better

Run Forest Run!
04-14-2014, 07:47 AM
The trees that I tap on my property, I planted in the late 1980s. I didn't know that soft maples were "tappable" until 2012, which I why I started sugaring that year. Actually, the trees were of tappable size at least ten to fifteen years before that. If I had only known, I would have been sugaring much sooner.

I must say that there is something really cool about making maple syrup from little whips that you had heeled into the ground yourself.

04-15-2014, 11:32 AM
We have been planting some fairly large Acer Freemani crosses in a couple of places where we wanted to have big trees soon. The Autumn blaze is a hybrid of silver and red maples and is really tough. We planted 3 in a park right on the ocean, and 5 in a row in a park made out of a compacted parking lot. They are thriving.