View Full Version : Cleaning stainless?
04-13-2014, 08:18 PM
I spilled some syrup on the side of my evaporator and it baked on kinda brown in color on the stainless steel sides...what's the best way to clean up the sides of the evaporator?
Father & Son
04-14-2014, 11:04 AM
Bar Keepers Friend. It comes either in a powder like Comet that you want to add water to and made a watery paste or you can also buy it already in a liquid. The sides of my arch were discolored brown from heat when I bought it and cleaned up like new.
Run Forest Run!
04-14-2014, 11:37 AM
Thanks Jim. I'm going to try that on my scorched pan.
04-14-2014, 01:51 PM
Perfect...will give it a try. Thanks
04-14-2014, 02:21 PM
I wonder if spray-on oven cleaner would work? It took the lime scale off our chrome plumbing fixtures & made them look new again, a melted (burned on) plastic bag off the side of a toaster, and stripped the decades old paint off the brick around our fireplace.
04-14-2014, 02:31 PM
You don't want to use oven cleaner or bar keepers in your syrup pan.
Those are fine on the exterior, but inside is a different thing unless you're 100% sure you can get any residue out.
If you've burned the pan, try letting it soak in vinegar for a few days - or a week- and start scraping.
It may not be as shiney anymore but you're not adding any off flavor to your syrup.
Just my 2¢.
happy thoughts
04-14-2014, 03:56 PM
I wonder if spray-on oven cleaner would work? It took the lime scale off our chrome plumbing fixtures & made them look new again, a melted (burned on) plastic bag off the side of a toaster, and stripped the decades old paint off the brick around our fireplace.
Oven cleaner is safe to use on stainless steel. I use it at the end of the season on my hotel pans. Be careful when rinsing because oven cleaner is lye based so you don't want to let it splash back on you. You can neutralize the lye with a vinegar rinse then wash well with hot soapy water and rinse again.
Father & Son
04-14-2014, 08:42 PM
I agree with johnallin. This thread started as an issue on the outside of the arch. I wouldn't use Bar Keepers Friend on the inside of my pans, only white vinegar and lots of scrubbing to remove a scorch or burn.
happy thoughts
04-14-2014, 09:09 PM
I agree with johnallin. This thread started as an issue on the outside of the arch. I wouldn't use Bar Keepers Friend on the inside of my pans, only white vinegar and lots of scrubbing to remove a scorch or burn.
The active agent in Bar Keeper's friend is oxalic acid, the same acid found in rhubarb. In fact that's how it was developed after someone noticed how clean and shiny boiling rhubarb made their pots.
04-14-2014, 09:39 PM
Sorry to hijack thread...
John Allin you're sugar house looks awesome!
Back to regular programming...
04-14-2014, 10:52 PM scorching was on the outside of the pan and I would definitely never use any of those cleaners on the inside.
04-15-2014, 07:25 PM
Sorry to hijack thread...
John Allin you're sugar house looks awesome!
Thanks for the kind words Dave. Scott Carlson is a local timber framer who did all joinery and design. On a fall October day, all of our kids and grandkids helped Scott and his crew, erect it.
Here's a link to his site:
Still would never use anything but vinegar in my pans though..
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