View Full Version : Maple cream first attempts...questions

04-13-2014, 05:17 AM
Made my first attempts at making some cream yesterday. First time turned out great. Second - not so much. It never really set up plus it filled the container to the very top of the rim. Wondering if the experts can explain to me what may have caused this?

For the 1st batch, I started out boiling a pan of water. Noted it boiled at 210... I'd made up my mind that I'd go to +23 based on several sources saying to go 22-24 over. I used all of this years lightest syrup I saved for this purpose. After boiling to 233, removed and put in ice bath in the sink and let it sit until about 70. After that I started stirring and about 30 minutes I was guessing it was ready for the jars. I had made a little over 2 pounds.

Feeling pretty good about how it turned out, thought I'd try another batch later in the day. Water boiled at 209 - so I took it to 232 this time. Also used mostly this years light syrup used above but also opened a quart of light syrup that was several years old. I didn't use the whole quart, maybe 1/5 of it.... just wanted to add enough to make a 3 pound batch.

The other thing that was different about this batch was that I didn't have as much ice in the water bath so it cooled more slowly than before... maybe took 10 minutes longer to get the temp down. I also stirred this batch for at least 2 hours and I finally decided it wasn't really going to set up like the first batch did but I put into containers anyway hoping it might set up in the fridge.

Both batches were the same color but like I mentioned, the 2nd batch took up noticeably more volume that the prior. Plus, it never really set up even after much more stirring.

Are the problems I had with the 2nd batch symptomatic of an invert sugars issue from using a little bit of older syrup? Is there anything else I could have done - like boiling a bit longer?

04-13-2014, 06:55 AM
I have had the same problem in years past. One day I could make it perfect and then the next two times nothing. I use medium or even dark syrup for cream. How do u mix it at 70 degrees? I have a kitchen aid mixer and 100 is all it wants to mix. I have been making cream candy. Boil to 235 cool to 100 then mix. Let it change from taffy to peanut butter and then pour off into molds. Timing is the tough part to fast or to late. I hate things I cant make a science out off it. It is tricky business.

04-13-2014, 07:36 AM
I stir by hand. Not too bad but yes it is tiring.

04-14-2014, 06:40 AM
Found this in an old maple cookbook...For every year old, cook one more degree