View Full Version : Not sure about "ropey"

04-11-2014, 10:13 PM
Hello Everyone:

Kinda late Friday eve. and I am an hour away from pulling off my flat pan boil of approx. 45 gallons. About 40 mins ago, I went outside to feed wood, and check my level of sap. I saw what people here post about ropey slime in the sap. Not much at all, maybe 3 strands. I swept them out with the scoop and give it 30 more minutes before I posted this. No more ropey or slim so far.

What is going on in my pan? The sap is fresh, from today, only sat in the buckets till after supper. Could I have had old sap maybe in my collection barrel or in some buckets that caused this?

Nothing smells bad, clear sap now boiling as of 10 mins ago.

I will go check my pan right after posting this, but hoping someone can tell me what I have happening.


04-11-2014, 10:49 PM
Last check before bed, pulled the fire, too tired to finish, leaving sweet in the pan.
No more slime or ropey. Looks clear.

Anyone know what I was dealing with?
