View Full Version : Homemade Membrane Storage - will 8" membrane fit inside 8" PVC

04-11-2014, 07:49 AM
We're looking to make a membrane storage canister for our 8"x40" H20 membrane by plugging one end and capping the other. What size PVC do I need for the 8x40 to fit? Does 8" work (leaving little space for storage solution) or do we need to go to something bigger (like 10" b/c not sure if their is a 9")?

I've not taken the actual measurements for the membrane as I haven't take then membrane out of the stainless pillar yet. I'm hoping the outside diameter (OD) of the membrane is like 7 3/4" and the ID of the PVC is 8". But would rather know before I go buy the PVC parts.

04-11-2014, 02:47 PM
Why not just store it in the stainless pillar? I think I have read here that many do that.

04-11-2014, 04:53 PM
It will not fit in 8" PVC I have tried. Also could not get 9". The canisters that the manufacturers sell are metric sizes.

04-11-2014, 07:18 PM
It should fit in 8 inch pipe as long as its reg wall not heavy wall. My 4 inch membranes are stored in canisters of pvc

maple flats
04-12-2014, 06:38 AM
My 4" also store in 4" PVC. Just make sure all fittings go over the 8" and be sure to ream the 8" PVC inside at the mouth. It should go.