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whitetail farms
04-09-2014, 06:03 PM
sap read little below 1% today, checked it after I boiled from 10:30 till 5:00 and made a gallon...now I guess I can catch up on sleep and start cleaning this weekend then pull taps next week came out with about 20 gallons of dark syrup off 500 taps :cry:

04-09-2014, 06:43 PM
At here we are still hanging in. Did not run much today but later in afternoon when sun came out some of pipeline started and should have at least a hundred gallons to fire up in midday. Suppose to be sunny tomorrow and that is good. Hoping to make it through the weekend. So far sap running today is clear. If cloudy will smell and taste and if ok will boil for cooking syrup. All and all has been an ok season for us. It is what it is.:cool:

04-09-2014, 07:50 PM
Waiting until tomorrow. Looks like it may dip down to 30 here. For some reason even though we woke up to 45 this morning the sap "ran". Well, it dripped anyway. This is our last hoorah. I'll boil what I get if it doesn't smell bad and take what I can get. This weekend should be good for cleanup as it's suppose to get up to 70 here on Saturday. Have to get everything done by Monday. Surgery on Tuesday morning. Good thing the sap is slowing down I guess.

whitetail farms
04-09-2014, 08:03 PM
Waiting until tomorrow. Looks like it may dip down to 30 here. For some reason even though we woke up to 45 this morning the sap "ran". Well, it dripped anyway. This is our last hoorah. I'll boil what I get if it doesn't smell bad and take what I can get. This weekend should be good for cleanup as it's suppose to get up to 70 here on Saturday. Have to get everything done by Monday. Surgery on Tuesday morning. Good thing the sap is slowing down I guess.

What do you have surgery on? I have surgery on my ACL in a couple weeks been putting it off in till the end of season

04-10-2014, 05:13 AM
What do you have surgery on? I have surgery on my ACL in a couple weeks been putting it off in till the end of season

Just gall bladder surgery. Nothing too major. I told the Doc I'd bring him a straw for McDonalds to suck it out with. A few days of recovery at home - it's going to kill me to not be able to do anything but walk around my woods, then back to work. Yep, it's our spring break and I decided to have surgery then rather than miss time at work (teaching brats).

On the bright side, it's 24 here this morning! Hoping for a couple hundred gallons of sap to end a less than stellar maple season.

Good luck with your surgery!

04-11-2014, 07:42 AM
Just gall bladder surgery. Nothing too major. I told the Doc I'd bring him a straw for McDonalds to suck it out with. A few days of recovery at home - it's going to kill me to not be able to do anything but walk around my woods, then back to work. Yep, it's our spring break and I decided to have surgery then rather than miss time at work (teaching brats).

On the bright side, it's 24 here this morning! Hoping for a couple hundred gallons of sap to end a less than stellar maple season.

Good luck with your surgery!

Good to see another teacher that is crazy enough to do syrup and teach day after day. I was up until 2:00 last night for what is probably the last boil before cleanup.

04-11-2014, 04:02 PM
Yep, it's all over now. The stuff I pulled off the evap last night was definitely not maple syrup... At least as far as I'm concerned. I need to have an 'expert' taste it and tell me why it's off flavor. Guessing buddy sap but I'd like to know for sure.

Rig is empty, tanks are empty... Let the cleanup begin!

04-11-2014, 04:37 PM
Well looks like we're all in the same boat. Will end up with half of last years. Just no consistent days. 30gallons do gar from 400 taps. Better something than nothing. Bottling for orders than the rest for bulk. We missed some last year because Ron had emergency gall bladder surgery too. He was boiling the next day though! Our last year here. Looking to move to a smaller property. Will see what next week brings then call it quits. Love our new finisher.

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-11-2014, 05:33 PM
I'm going to try to hang on to next weekend boiling tonight recirc my sap got up to 11.4 guess will find out what it's like

04-11-2014, 06:17 PM

How's the RO running these days?


Flat Lander Sugaring
04-11-2014, 09:05 PM

How's the RO running these days?

Ok, I really need the bigger pump, can barely go from 2.2. To 5.2 now sap is cloudy. I'm going to deffunately put the rwcirc line in for next year.. pressure can't get to 250 any more, not sure why new prefilter still don't get up there, came pump might be wearing out

lakeview maple
04-12-2014, 07:19 AM
We had a good freeze here last night ,hoping for a run today, Im boiling off the 200 gallons I have in the tank and what ever else comes in . I blew the diaphragm on the Guzzler, if it wasn't this late in the season I would panic, it has been a true season saver. Im pretty sure the CDL store in Rutland is carrying replacement parts for them now . Im still hanging in the sap still looks good ,I took down 4 buckets that the sap was yellow but otherwise it still looks good. Take care all ,Al

04-12-2014, 07:21 AM
I'm positive we can figure out how to make your system work much better. You have plenty of membrane. The 250 GPH CDL Hobby also has three 4 x 40 membranes in series and a ProCon pressure pump, but it also has an expensive 10 GPM recycle pump. We surely can find a lower cost option that would improve your performance. The 150 GPH CDL uses two 4 x 40 membranes in parallel with one pump....can't remember which pump now. In any case you need enough recycle flow to keep the recovery down below 15% and closer to 10% so it doesn't foul so quickly. We might be able to use a ProCon pump as a recycle pump. My little ProCon runs fine wide open with less than 30 PSI on the discharge.

04-12-2014, 07:30 AM
I called it quits Wednesday night. Sap was at 0.8 and very cloudy. Could only get a couple thousand gallons through a brand new set of five prefilters for the RO. Very slimy. Wasn't worth the risk to the RO. Sap is still flowing great. A gallon per tap a day without the vacuum on. Ended up with .3 gallons of syrup per tap. No light, alittle borderline med./dark, a little dark, and the rest B. Tough year. But then again, when isn't it.

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-12-2014, 06:05 PM
I am going to pick up larger motor and pump for next year. Fluid o teck has a 720/260 pump I think with 1" inlet and discharge. I could possible use existing pump and motor as recirc pump. Boiling 11.4 last night was awesome.
Hey Lake let me know if you boil tomorrow I will come over.

04-12-2014, 08:04 PM
any sap than ran and was not boiled that night with the warm temp will also cause it to be off flavor,no buds this way except the soft maples and they just started coming out on thurs,no sign of anything on the hard maples

04-12-2014, 08:54 PM
My son and I got done today about 6.We boiled 100 gal we got last night.Turned the guzzler on about 9 am and had good flow in the tanks.There is 250 gal in the tank and we will boil early in the am.This past Thursday,we got 665 gal of sap,we just finished that up yesterday.Still 2 foot of snow in the woods,but is going fast.Going to keep going as long as I can.

maple flats
04-13-2014, 05:42 AM
Buds are still tight here. However, the sap is getting cloudy. Going thru pre-filters way too fast. Still going to try for some this week, then will pull the plug. For today I have 810 gal of sap to do plus what is in the 2 tanks at the bushes. CV2 Taps are still running, after tapping 1/14-1/21.

Clarkfield Farms
04-13-2014, 09:13 AM
So far so good, but Steve/Bucket Head would be the better judge of the sap from my line. :)

whitetail farms
04-15-2014, 10:35 PM
Looks like I made a mistake. the rest of the week looks like perfect sugaring weather......does sugar content normally go up after a couple cold nights???