Amber Gold
04-09-2014, 01:46 PM
A friend of ours is using these Dino Firewood Bags (, and I think I'm going order a case of nine to try them out. Should drastically reduce total time processing firewood...touch it once and move it around with a tractor after. Thinking about putting these on a pallet to be easily moved around once filled. Downside is they only fit about 1/3 cord wood and since they're loose stacked, the plan area of wood will need to be larger. He did say the wood dries great in one year, and he puts a piece of plastic over the top to keep rain/snow off. I wonder if set on pallets, if these can be stacked two high?? It would be nice to grab a pallet a night and set it in the SH in no time. Our wood's currently stored across the yard in a portable garage...can fit about 12 chord in there stacked. I guess they hold up to a few year's of use...something like $12/bag plus $20 shipping per case of nine.
Has anyone else used these? Wondering what the experience has been.
Has anyone else used these? Wondering what the experience has been.