View Full Version : Strange season.

Burnt sap
04-08-2014, 06:43 AM
Heard a lot of talk from the old timers this winter that this was going to be a banner season. Well so far the sap started to flow and a few good runs nothing to brag about. Sugar content steady at 2.5 seen better and worse so what gives? Up until a week ago we had below freezing temps plenty of snow about 20" on the ground and now 50 degrees plus, rapid melt and rain. Still waiting for our major run! :confused:

04-08-2014, 07:25 AM
Well hate to say I told you so but I knew this is going to be a horrible year. Deep the snow I've ever seen here in Wisconsin and deepest frost also. The problem is it stayed so cold so long that now it is just warming up all at once. We have 1400 gallons of sap for 500 taps and not a freezing temp in the 10 day forecast season is done here by Green Bay.