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04-05-2014, 08:38 AM
Why after sitting for a few weeks does my syurp have sugar cristals forming in it did i do something wrong

happy thoughts
04-05-2014, 08:54 AM
It may not be sugar but niter that settled out on standing. This can happen even if you filtered it and particularly if you reheated the syrup too high before bottling. New niter can form at temps of around 200*F or less.

If it truly is sugar crystals you're seeing that usually indicates your density was too high. These may take the form of large rock candy crystals. Did you use a hydrometer to measure density? The last bottles packed of proper density syrup can be over dense due to moisture loss through evaporation while packing.

04-05-2014, 09:14 AM
Yes sugar crystals form when the syrup is boiled past the recommended density of 67 BRIX. Calibrated hydrometer can help you get dialed in. We tend to make ours a little heavy (more dense) than the std to assure good results during the rest of the process.
Those pieces of rock candy are real good to eat if you can get them out:)

04-05-2014, 06:11 PM
thanks guys no i didnt use a hydrometer i dont have one but i will get one for next year