View Full Version : Who's selling sap - Herkimer County

04-04-2014, 12:41 PM
Holy Moly! Whatta year! Sugarhouse finally done, well, done enough. Evaporator in. Still gotta plumb storage tank, take delivery, install and plumb feed tank. And oh yeah, tap my trees!! Hoping to get 60 out at least today, another 100 tomorrow. Still not enough!

I know this shaping up to potentially be different type season but if you got any to spare, I have roughly 800 gallons storage capacity....shoot me PM/email!! :lol:

Shaggy acres
04-07-2014, 05:29 AM
Too bad you are so far. I am in Geneseo and I have a full 300 gal tank with no way to process it all. It just keeps coming!